Wednesday, September 30, 2009
9:12 AM
monday:(28 september 2009)
after school, marc came over to my house.
awhile later went downstairs to get some food.
puiman came over,
all 3 of us went over to tampines inter and marc left.
puiman and i went kimgary for dinner.
noel brought us in and zhengwei(xiaoma, jige) serve us .
i mix their names up =.=
xiaoma (zhengwei) i called him zhanghan.
brought toast and baked rice.
thumbs up!
went around t1 and tm looking for fake lashes.
and i finally brought myself as razer.
saw tako aunty giving out flyer and so we took all the flyers from her.
and guess what!
i was like hey puiman wanna try give out flyers la.
and we really give out, but only 1 cause super paiseh.
after a while went home.
went to school wait for marc to end sch.
went toa payoh to meet PO.
after that to town.
super crazy when i'm in the mrt, laughing for nothing.
(finally, it has been so long ever since i laugh like this)
novena odders for ice cream. didn't saw anyone. limin not working.
back to toapayoh and back home.
meet jeff, crystal(jeff gfriend), pris, des, ming, vick, alvin and ah de
say cheeze for lunch and off to ??? for cakes.
ah de brought roses :D
but gave it to everyone instead, lazy bring home.
but thanks anyway.
facial after that....
back home straight.
hmmm, ah da and min ask me out, jurong for dinner.
didn't go, light bulb.
darling's back from holiday :)
meeting darling on sat :)
to town!!!
happy belated birthday nick.
goh zheng wei, ah wei, ji ge, xiao ma, ji gong, ji san, mr goh. (same person LOL)
tag puiman nv tag me!!!! argh!
meet up soon,people :D
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
10:25 AM
intended to meet puiman and sean yesterday,
due to some reason, plan was cancel because of me.
(hmmm, sorry ya. some other day, i promise)
meet marc for a movie at vivo and than back home.
catch "the ugly truth"
MARC say the way i dress up like going disco like that =.=
and he also bluff me about the bull-wawa thing.
and i really believe =.=
BiBi isnt well , vomited again.
help BiBi bath in the morning and he's like freaking skinny, worst den marc
but both oso skinny lah.
and ya i'm throwing away all my soft toy.
(except eeyores and the bear which puiman gave last year, happy not puiman)
and now picture time~
so jealous sia his fringe longer den mine, argh.
that time shorter one lor!!!!!!!!
you see, dont look like i'm going disco right.
never mind not the first time anyway, someone even call me an ah gua, HOR PUIMAN!

see freaking skinny right.

let's talk about this picture.
look so much like marcus lah!!!
the eye part.
omg i miss marcus! and of cause the rest

i swear he's damn cute he's talking to my toy!!

stupid marc dont one take photo with me in mrt cause he thinks that it's paiseh.
same as yuan they all

its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
8:09 PM
BiBi suddenly stop eating and drinking.
it has been a day.
visiting the vet tomorrow after facial.
really hope he get well soon lah.
its the beginning og something new.
10:10 AM
ok BiBi didn't eat much this morning.
so i guess he's still sick.
poor baby.
anyway he sleep damn cute lah.
you will know why when you see the picture below...
tada!!!! cute right...
he cover himself with the shirt, so cute lah... and mum say the way he sleep look like me.
=.= head y y one.
and when he wake up guess what he did.
i put my toy on the floor and he was like keep on touch touch.... cute la.
last but not lEAST
BiBi's photo.
vick say my dog one day sure become zi lian because of me.
anyway later meeting darling :D
and oh ya before i forget,
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
9:36 AM
Year 2009 Overview
In 2009, you find yourself connecting with people effortlessly as your warm-hearted actions are acknowledged and radiated back to you in a way you've never experienced before. The confident joy and happiness you freely give to others gives you the innate ability to be productive. For you, kind actions are the way to transformation and success.
This is a perfect time for proud Leo, because you have the desire, drive and power to help society. You realize there's work to do, and you'll give a helping hand wherever you can. You are ready to align yourself with a higher level of awareness, and exhibit a regenerative attitude is about reaping the harvest by submitting to the larger purpose. What you are able to give to others directly reflects the transformation happening within you.
Your heart is in the right place, and you are likely to accomplish all that you set out to do this year. You're developing excellent skills in your own personal transformation process, and you are ready to make the conscious decision to be the best you can be. You feel secure, and the beauty of who you are shines through easily and effortlessly
Year 2009 Romantic
You feel as if you're reaping the harvest this year in your relationships. Socially, your connections are very positive and your altruistic, visionary personality brings you a great circle of friends. Very strong and intuitive, your sense of self-worth in a close relationship makes it a very loving and secure one -- your main focus for some time now. Your enthusiasm bubbles over as an intimate relationship blossoms, and the challenges of constructive communication become easier and easier.
Energetically, you are uplifted when you choose to be in a relationship and master the art of accepting someone as they are. In the springtime, your focus may shift to marriage as many blessings come your way, giving you opportunities to experience conscious acts of sharing, cooperation and honor. Things may seem to move fast, but if you go with the flow, you'll gain confidence in your progress.
Much healing takes place when you have someone close to share your life with. Reap the rewards, and you will encounter feelings that will become the basis for far-reaching transformation in your life -- and in that of others as well. Leo's need to be in charge is no problem, because you and your partner are energetically and equally matched. Be grateful for the love and growth you are experiencing -- both metaphysically and spiritually.
Year 2009 Career
As you help others in your work, you find balance in your own life and, as a result, financial opportunities arise. You are far from conventional, and this helps you have no fear in starting new projects and developing ways for making a good living.
You are able to make major changes in your career without completely eliminating your current foundation. During the summer, career advancements streamline as greater responsibility and commitment come your way. This is an excellent time to focus on your ideals for social progress, and actualize them in a public sphere.
As a Leo, you have the communication skills required to bring new opportunities for growth. This year, you easily visualize new possibilities and eliminate potential roadblocks. Your co-workers appreciate your leadership skills and respect your ability to bring people and resources together for positive change. You may be conservative financially while learning to carve out ways of meeting your material needs, but you continue to draw greater resources to you to serve the greater good.
its the beginning og something new.
7:38 AM
The Bottom Line
Beneath the surface of your confusion lies the answers you've been seeking. Dig in.
In Detail
Sometimes you can't move on until you've really faced a problem from the past. If you're in this situation, today is the day when things could clear up a little. Something shifts, and the past suddenly seems less threatening. You can look at it head on, and then move on. But take it slow: Even if it is easier, it isn't easy, and you need to give yourself plenty of time to rest and recuperate.
anyway Bibi is getting better.
can run around like he used to.
going out with Junhao,alvin and vick later on.
lah lah lah lah lah....
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
9:12 PM
just came back from mall.
bibi isn't well.
no more vomitting but he look damn weak.
hope nothing will go wrong.
he's just 5 months old, i dont want to see him leave this world so soon:(
ooooooh god do you job,cure him but not letting bibi join you in heaven so soon.
he wants to stay on earth with me, so you know ah i know ah.
cure him :)
its the beginning og something new.
10:31 AM
Bibi made a mess in the in the toilet today,
pee in the living room and vomitted twice.
Bibi isn't feeling well this few day :( 
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
9:12 PM
went jocleen's house bake butter cookies and cheese cake.
dinner with ben they all.
benedict super funny made me laugh like hell
benjamin too.
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, September 7, 2009
9:36 AM
i miss them la, when can go town together again.
marcus lanzer, noel, joel, lun, lu, xiwen, leng, jeff, xiaoma.
and ya puiman when den exam end.
and kaijing i free liao =)
and sheree i miss you
and zhengyuan,chin sen, shao zheng,kai cheng i miss you, riding, ice skating!!!!
and roy i still haven complete ur photo =X
and sean, rey KBOX?
and buddies slacking?
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
9:59 PM
wouldn't be updating that often on this blogger.
problem problem and problem.
and ya would still be updating xsweetillusion.livejournal.com
its the beginning og something new.