Tuesday, October 27, 2009
8:27 AM
jeff and i, sofia and eugene link rooms.
crazy jeff noisy ! need peace.
cards, red wine annnnnnnnnnd singinnnnnnnnnng :D
mahjong -.-
maybe extend to the 15, see how well shows goes.
hmmmmm, ok well bye. prepare for shopping soon with "lovelove vivi niania"
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
9:03 PM
Bi's trying to act cute.

p-nesss and jooooooocleen
i didn't have enough sleep!

today went over to find marc,
went out for lunch.
and back home.
ben and dict were here.
went grandma house.
its the beginning og something new.
8:17 AM
23 october 2009
was like sleepin, suddenly saw marc in the house.
he brought congee and herbal drink for me.
was like shock lah open my eye saw him standing beside the door.
feeling was like *hao shen qi hao shen qi ke shi u hen xiang yuan liang ta*.
after a while donkey cry den things were back to normal.
24 october 2009
went ann there look for ben, dict and dar.
i was like i wanna go geylang eat.
dict was like what you wan to go geylang!
spend 40 over on cai fan.
back home carried bi over to dad house.
movie! about war cant remember what the title was.
nice lah.
east coast for dinner, korean food.
the 2 ben and dict steal went tissue.
home at 8 plus.
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, October 23, 2009
7:09 AM

Right now.
Is facing relationship problem, i guess.
Hmmmm, what happen to happily ever after, or should i say the word FOREVER.
I guess i was right all this while, there's no such thing "FOREVER".
Everything will come into an end one day.
Love isn't the sweetest thing on earth but it's the most hurtful thing you could ever find.
even if things were going well, soon there will be lots and lots of changes, heart broken, pain and argument.
Where did it go?
will there be more?
i have enough!
Was there any?
i dont know!
maybe? loving me was just an act.
i saw your blog.
you still dont trust me that i really had let go of him.
maybe my biggest mistake was to fall in love with you.
i dont know.
i need a break and i think you too.
so gooodbye.....
but thanks for all the wonderful times,
but those times was over.
it's not going to be the same again.
things change.
i love you doesn't mean things will get any better.
my head was like keep thinking and thinking the whole night,
spin the whole night,
ache the whole night,
felt as in it's going to burst.
sometimes, maybe being single is still the best.
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
3:09 PM
recieve an email from huan,
jap ice cream.
omg so cute lah

its the beginning og something new.
2:46 PM

20 october 2009
marc ask me out for dinner :D
21 october 2009
trainer came, bi very stubborn.
after training, trainer suddenly ask me out for lunch.
went airport's pasta house.
den coffee bean for a drink.
and than he drove me home.
marc came.
donkey cried, bibi go lick donkey face.
*fast forward*
marc say i fat!!!!
marc very bao li, si ah beng pattern come out liao.
went home.
22 october 2009
down with fever, terrible sore throat and cough.
trainer ask me out again.
told him i'm at grandma house.
and he ask me is it ok for him to pick me up from grandma place
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
8:07 AM

18 october - lai jin hui birthday
so happy belated birthday.
19 october - dad's birthday.
brought him a cake and he sing a birthday song for himself.
ok well yesterday went grandma house.
play basketball with xiaoben, bigben, daren, jeslyn and J
hmmmm. a lot of pretty and handsome ang mo....... baby.
took photo with the fattest one ahahaha.
was like super mad. hehehehehe
lets talk about the swing.
i tell you.... SCARY!!!
almost got a heart attact.
jeslyn push me, higher and higher, shout and shout till no voice.
call her stop oso nv stop.
*fast forward*
reach home.
bibi cute.
run around the house looking for me.
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, October 19, 2009
7:48 AM

hmmmm, haven't been meeting marc that often.
dont feel like going out this few days.
Bi got scolded recently for staying up late at night watching tv.
and he isn't willing to eat his food ,
so skinny liao still skip meals =.=
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, October 16, 2009
6:06 PM

oh man!
i wish nothing happen.
should or shouldn't i will i regret ?
oh man!
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
9:07 AM

went swimming last night,
after that to mall for tori and t1 for buns :D
BiBi so cute jump around with the ball in his mouth.
i dont feel anything right now, no more pain no more worries,
just oh he's just someone whom i used to love a lot.
he move on that's good for him.
oh ya over heard something, gossip behind my back?
you are not like this, are you?
nevermind people will change over time.
i dont blame you but my stupid-ness.
anyway marc, happy (1M14D)+1M

its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
1:10 PM

Bfriend never go to school again due to over slept.
hmmm, went cs for lunch.
sakae sushi(:
and ya i got a new hair cut.
its sucks. it's bangs.
i want to do extension and dye :D
okay after sakae went for a movie and it's 3D
wooohooo. it's the second time i watch 3D btw, the last time was with emmmhmm and sheree.
yup but who cares.
after a walk back home.
i'm like growing fatter and fatter time for gym and swimming everyday.
and i wan a tan too :D
and it's also good for MARC NG ZHENG HAN that stubi skinny XD
BiBi: BiBi
Lynette(me): mabi
Marc: pabi
darren: nibi
tommy: G-pabi
(i know i'm lame)

its the beginning og something new.
Monday, October 12, 2009
10:10 AM

yesterday woke up at 5.30pm.
meet Bfriend, went over to E-hub for dinner.
"super dog"!
Bfriend was like angry and i didn't notice that.
hmmm, know why?
cause i have sore throat and i ate super fried food.
and he was like looking at me with no laughter / smile like wanna beat me up until the last fries den be tell me he was angry all along.
after that went home cause it's like late....
skype with Bfriend when he's home, his leg like girl's leg sia.
and abel (marc's dog) ah cute lah but bibi still the best :D
he finally able to say out what he feels and etc.
hmmm, that's great i guess.
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
9:55 PM
i miss baby :D
got to meet him today.
hmmm, lots of ARGH thing happen.
so let me begin.
meet Bfriend downstairs, brought BiBi for a hair cut.
since the lady need 3 hours, decide to go mall for a movie with Bfriend.
i lost my $10 but manage to find it at BiBi hair cut shop,
at first i thought Bfriend was lying to me.
but it turn out to be true. (cause he always joke about this kind of things)
brought ice cream at mr bean keep feeding Bfriend even if he hates that ice-cream,
cause his face very funny.
argue with him. lalalalala but okay liao lah. still as loving as ever XD
went back to that shop to pick BiBi up after the show.
and back home.
headed off to woodland, since he never been there before.
left woodland in less than 1 hour and you know why.
some one from third floor throw a bottle on my head.
(i'm on the second floor by the way and the bottle was like full)
Bfriend got damn pissed off and started scolding the one who throw that bottle.
hmmm, si ah beng!!! but :D
off to ikea Bfriend ate 4 hotdog bread.
and home.
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, October 9, 2009
8:55 AM
it's always about me me me and my feelings just how hurt things were,
but what i didn't realise was,
i'm actually hurting you the most.
trying your best to cheer me up, making me happy all the time.
thanks, sorry i wasn't in the mood these days.
somethings, i'm still unable to get it out of my mind.
maybe you are right, why should i bother.
it doesn't bother me that much now, but it's just about how things ended.
it's just NOT FAIR!
(MAYBE NO ONE really understand, just no one. but i'm glad you are willing to try)
keeping things to myself, i dont wish to be known as THAT PITIFUL FREAK ON EARTH.
maybe for what happened, you feel as in "i dont know".
just hope things will turn out better after a few days.
keeping yourself away from those hurt,
just who would understand just how you feel right now.
just no one.
finally saying goodbye.
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
8:42 AM
yesterday's horoscope: (quite true)
Try saying what you feel instead of hoping someone close to you will read your mind. Not only will it save lots and lots of confusion, but you'll feel brave and adult for actually facing this situation head-on rather than trying to pretend it's not there. The other party may not respond in the way you would hope, but you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you did everything you could in the most honorable way possible.
yesterday went swimming, ikea, giant with Bfriend.
(thanks for being there)
hmmmm, feeling much better, in fact i dont really bother.
BiBi isn't well.... vomit!!!
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
2:23 PM
maybe if things were handed differently ,
if i didn't meet him that day.
things wouldn't turn out this way.
things are just so complicated.
i wish i knew.
i miss those days, i really do.
should just let it go.
Bye to the past.
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
9:05 PM
a piece of my mind.
you never like me at all back then, not as much as i do.
but you are the one who i really fell for like crazy.
to make me think i'm really just a replacement.
you are never proud to post our photo on msn nor anywhere else, not even intro to a friend.
knowing that you are currently attached now,
i'm just so jealous.
it's not jealous because i still love you.
it's just that why can't i be treated like how you treat her, right now.
you can't bear to leave her, doesn't want to leave her.
and now it's always her her her.
but me! it all ended with just a word.
it feels like you are willing to give her the world, but for me, nothing!
BECAUSE OF THE PAST AND EVERYTHING WE DID I'M LIKE so afraid of getting hurt again,
scared of committing too much but you,
enjoying your love life like it's gonna last forever.
and what i feel?
like "what the fuck".
okay well, so now maybe i should just forget about all this F thing and move on.
( not as in i still love him)
cause i believe marc is never gonna be like you.
and i love him X3
long john with boyfriend.
tori to meet leng.
movie with leng and boyfriend.
3 tickets and 1 popcorn and 3 drinks and 2 hotdog bun cost $15.
(1 ticket and 1 snack $5)
after that went home.
hmmm, leng saw us hugging. was like OMG.
anw, hmmm.
baby you know i love you :D
salt cheer up.
somethings cant be change.
maybe it would be better if things wasn't this way.
you can always find us if you need a shoulder to cry on.
we will always be there.
just move forward in life.
dont have emmhmmm nvm still got me :D
remember we used to be lesbian partner.
and noel cheer up too
its the beginning og something new.
8:12 AM
Sunday, 4 october 2009.
cs for a movie with Bfriend.

cinema was quite empty.
3 guys, Bfriend and i.
after that went suntec for lunch and etc.
saw alexander.
*fast forward*
went home.
monday, 5 october 2009
Darren brought 2 girls home.
Bfriend came over.
food palace for Bfriend's dinner.
and back home.
went super crazy because shadow was like super slim.
chat on the phone with Bfriend for awhile and off to bed.
hmmm well,
can you please stop all the nonsense.
people around you are like so worried and yet you pretend nothing happen.
please for once, think!
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, October 2, 2009
8:13 AM

meet beibei over at my house.
went pizza hut to meet xiaoma and caileng.
after lunch went over to e hub, k box with beibei and caileng.
after that kim gary to find xiaoma.
saw puiman and xuewei.
and ya that's about all.
xiaoma is the joker of the day.
he say:"caileng xiao jie yi wan duo shao
its the beginning og something new.