Monday, November 30, 2009
8:54 AM
sheree went genting.
lunch with dad at lam's.
dad went korea.
grandma admitted hosiptal.
hope she's fine and nothing is going to happen to her.
marc came over.
puiman called, not able to meet her cause i'm going out with mum for dinner.
jack's place for dinner.
all of the eat snail. like gross!
awhile later went home.
got a hair dye from derek for 3.50 like cheap! and it's all brand new.
intend to visit grandma but it was like so early in the morning so visiting her some other day i guess.
annnnd we broke off :D
no more jasmine replacement.
(if you dont believe i was her replacement you can ask me for the whole history! and i will send it to you)
i will be happy to show the whole world just how great his act was.
so dont be fool by a person's act.
anyway had a good chat with darling :D
he really did cheer me up a lot.
thanks jabes.
monday, today.
training at 2.
wouldn't be going out i guess.
marcus doesnt want to watch.
laogong and yuan see first.
R darling no money (standard)
derek coming over :D
anw single is still the best no more birdy in that stupid cage
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
7:00 PM
marc came for a while.
left after a while.
and sheree came with a surprise.
her brother damn cute lor :D
look a lot like ah ber ber :D
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
10:04 PM

clinic with marc.
waited for like half an hour was a waste.
i can't do my medical check up there.
so tm, cs.
catch a movie at GV.
some parts were quite touching, worth watching.
saw zhen yuan and gang :D
and wei sheng too :DD
T1 to get dinner and back home
a week more and i'm off to korea :D
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
8:53 PM
home the whole day.
clinic tomorrow :C
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, November 23, 2009
7:56 AM
meet KJ, both of us quit our job :D
so no more holding the tray full of water without changing hands for almost an hour.
well the job was kind of not worth it as well.
hourly pay was five fifty.
full time was like 900 per month.
which means only four plus for an hour if you really calculate.
time was from morning 10.45 to 10. so it's not really that worth it after all.
what worth it was the meals i guess.
(seafood, fish, meat, vege and soup)
but everyone eating together in a room was wierd.
after giving them all the clothes and etc .
went around looking for another job.
first was GV.
about fifteen minutes later i was hired :D
but kaijing wasn't. so decide to wait and look around first.
went east point decide to work in the pet shop,
but i have to work a minimum of one year full time.
but studies!!!! so say good bye to that shop :(
when we were about to leave marc came.
and tm for awhile.
back home.
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
8:49 PM
lunch with dad mum and darren at tonkichi :D
was like super rare and GOOOOOOOOOOD.
but SOMEONE spoil everything.
sick doesn't means you can act as in you are the biggest.
Jay came and SHOPPING :D
spend a lot at zimple, dmk and etc.
back home after shopping
its the beginning og something new.
8:32 AM
yesterday's work was fun!
meet KJ at cross junction,
went to work get skirt and change.
breakfast at work place.
breakfast lunch and dinner at work place was yummy.
everyone in the shop JOKES.
meeting time, kaijing mrchen and i look like retards carry tray with one hand stand for ½ an hour.
mrchen keep talking to me and helping me do things like carry heavy plates :D
saw xw,cl and xm
back home with KJ after work
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, November 20, 2009
8:20 AM
after tanning, out with hot hot chili KJ.
movie with her :D
movie was funny~
walk around and dinner at mos.
shock puiman appear.
after awhile went over to KJ's work place for an interview.
and back home,
KJ came over :D
(fast forward)
went over to mall look for KJ during her break.
T1 for some food.
LOVE baked cheese potato :D
meeting KJ again.
going work together.
hope everything goes well.
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
8:25 AM
went for a movie, ASTRO BOY.
LOLS. he fall asleep.
at night went to BLOCK 101A toa payoh for gathering.
was kind of boring~
buffet wasn't that good.
fun started off when i told darren i want to choose the songs.
and everyone started asking me to sing.
and after that everyone started singing.
play with kitty cat carry it around chasing darren, he's scare of cats.
9+ went home.
HE came over.
at night to town for deportment.
taught the proper way of opening and closing the door (going for interviews and etc, special event)
and cat walk and post.
was quite fun but a bit paiseh.
class consist of 1 chinese girl 18, 1 indian boy 17, 1 malay girl 17.
the malay girl damn chio got super nice figure.
all of them skinny tall tall, i'm like the shortest.
MAYBE going tanning, swimming.
and night time social etiquette lesson
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
7:04 PM
central with dad today :D
went over to tung lok for lunch.
awhile later shopping for darren's clothes.
(his fashion sense HORRIBLE)
went home did waxing.
help BiBi tie hair as in his ear, super cute.
ikan bili rice :D , a taste~less one.
later going cs for movie~ 2012.
i swear french toast tomorrow!
precious BiBi
chow chow X3
this apple is like smaller than my hand, super cute and taste super nice. better than normal apple.
food at tung lok~


stupid maRC.LOL.

its the beginning og something new.
Friday, November 13, 2009
7:55 PM
AFTERNOON darling called.
was like shock plus :DDDDD
i'm going to see her real soon.
oooooooh i miss her.
know who is she?
she's SHEREE!!!!!!
haven't seen her for like almost a year, that shows how much i miss her.
went over to grandma house, brought BiBi along,
silly boy tahan his pee for like 6 hours until we reach home.
plan for tomorrow was destroy~
so i guess things will be postpone to next week.
craving for ikan bilis rice, and guess what it was a surprise!!!
someone cook it for me :D
owh so sweet...
and was like also craving for some astronaut ice cream,
and someone is going over to get some for me tomorrow.
so sweet as well, different people by the way.
i seriously want a tan badly.
anyway i decided to take part in jazz, with or without jay going :D
but sooooo afraid that time would crash~ jazz and modeling lesson
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
6:33 PM
lots of event coming up.
busy busy busy~
14 november 2009
sentosa, mid night movie.
15 november 2009
toa payoh for gathering~
16 november 2009
orientation and deportment
17 november 2009
skincare course
18 november 2009
19 november 2009
social etiquette course
20 november 2009
body language and deportment course
21 november 2009
fashion sense course
22 november 2009
23 november 2009
figure control course
24 november 2009
25 november 2009
manicure pedicure and make up course
26 november 2009
full dress rehearsal and graduation course
27 november 2009- 1 decmber 2009
2 december 2009- 9 december 2009
korea trip
and in between maybe taking up jazz with jay.
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
8:50 AM
have been eating quite a lot last night.
super tired but yet unable to sleep.
and suddenly crazy over eason and bato again.
wu la la.
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
4:09 PM
didn't meet guan xiong.
went over to meet ivan instead.
go smoke -.-
i dont mean it when i say i still like him, and you are just a replacement, i say it out of anger.
feel like going back to what we used to be in the beginning.
i really miss those days.
BUT everything have ended.
feel like leaving, feel like breaking, saying that i love you no more, but all is because i was still kind of angry.
BUT that doesn't mean i really feel like doing all this.
have you ever though just how much i like you?
if i dont like you, i wouldnt even be with you.
giving up because i dont wish to hurt you anymore,
but i feel this time i really had hurt you deeply.
OMG! what an i thinking?
this time i really destroy everything.
sorry, bye.
its the beginning og something new.
7:24 AM

went jay house at 12+.
baked cheese cake, hashbrown fries and hotcake muffin.
1 plus went serangoon to pick marc up.
went back to bake muffin.
awhile later jeslyn came...
and watch hei se hui. damn funny.
awhile later went over to sweet talk to get some drink.
and headed to granny house.
ahile later mum send marc and i home.
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
9:57 PM

marc was like waiting outside my house the whole night.
6 plus woke up open the door for him to come in.
crazy lor whole night dont one sleep come my house wait outside.
after a while brought bibi for a walk and went to buy cake for puiman.
at about 11 plus went to puiman house.
surprise her with cake :)
meet leng and puiman later on brought bikini.
and swimming.
marc left for a party.
and after swimming went for dinner fish and co.
and back home.
mood wasnt good because of a bitch!cock mouth!
If you aren't interested in me blogging about someone just skip this post (:
ok well.
this post is for my fucking bitch XUE WEI.
well well well.
xue wei just stop all your fucking idea la hor.
i dont even know you can you please stop all those gossip about me.
i know you mouth can put in several cock, dont need hao lian.
what have i done to you to make you say so much fucking things about me,
in fact nothing,
i dont even know you.
stop fucking around.
and you know what.
your eye brown look like la bi xiao xin.
so fucking bitch stop all the fuck.
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
10:14 PM

Jay came over.
went far east for lunch.
after that to far east for shopping~
ION was next~
a while later marc came.
went udders and to bakerzin.
and to city hall.
walk for a while went for dinner.
and back home.
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, November 6, 2009
8:02 AM

stay at home the whole of yesterday.
brought bi to the vet spend 4 hundred(round off)
as for today,
marc came over.
was like watch oktolive at 6.30 send in a sms and marc was like shock.
and he was like keep laughing.
den he started sending in sms.
and started laughing again.
crazy lah him.
and fast forward he went home
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
12:26 PM
3 november 2009
marc came over.
made me cried because of green tea.
ikea with marc.
had meatball :D
walk around playing in ikea.
both of us were like small kid.
went T1 and Cs saw priscilla, yanping , yue, etc.
and home.
4 november 2009
food palace for lunch.
saw a fat fat kid damn cute lah.
den got one aunty call that boy pig leg.
watch love happens with marc.
quite nice.
was like looking at marc copy the actor talk, copy the actor cry.
marc laugh and made me laugh too.
was like laughing at the man crying marc say me bad :C
and in the end was like quite sad~
almost cried.
saw priscilla and yue again.
found out who marc used to like!!!
sad case.
went to wang for some food and to fair price.
brought lots of things in fair price,.
and back home on the way home saw kang going to work.
heng marc talking to me,
if not sure a lot of problems -.-
reach home scold bibi and got scolding because i scold bi and den argue with bro.
i wasnt really in the mood yesterday.
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, November 2, 2009
9:55 PM

hmmm didn't went to bugis today.
went over to VLCS to meet marc , wait for him to end school.
went cine.
had chicago's steak and to k box and watch movie.
sister's keeper...
sad lor. cried.
after movie went taka.
mos burger.
and back home
its the beginning og something new.
9:55 AM
30 October 2009
meet mariann, nick and marc at east point taxi stand.
after eating, went to mariann's house.
her dog fierce like BiBi so humji -.-
awhile later isaiah and jason came over and left in less than 5 min.
nick and mariann went over to find joshua, marc and i went east point.
i saw baby chow chow!!!!
so cute lah, but stupid!
was like raining heavily so went over to T1 for a walk.
went home, ben was at my house.
i almost fall and got a deep cut because of him.
hmmm, got ringworm BiBi spread to me.
argh! feels so disgusting, i promise i will never kiss him again.
kiss him = more ringworm.
31 October 2009
doesn't feel like going out.
horrible stomachache and leg pain.
so marc came over :D
he's like here for hours (11+ to 9+)
watch online movies~
and he went down at night to get me white chocolate.
i was like thinking about eating white chocolate and i didn't tell him.
but he went down to buy it for me, as in he could read my mind.
bian tai :X
he also brought some chips i told him i dont want to eat but he kept giving me.
ok not really, it was more like i say i dont want but i keep eating.
he made me laugh like hell, by not doing anything.
1 October 2009
went east point for lunch and to get some winter clothing
but no chio one so didn't get any.
went home.
went over to the airport.
and then to marine parade with marc.
and back home.
free at last!
manage to tell him somethings hmmmm :D
2 October 2009
will be going over to VLCS.
meet marc and off to bugis.
its the beginning og something new.