Thursday, December 31, 2009
1:49 PM
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
9:56 PM
(all from singapore)
i wonder why singapore man are so pervert~~
if you want to fake out something please use the correct IP.
and i promise a letter will be at your door step very soon:D
its the beginning og something new.
12:53 PM
went over to tori to meet wenyong.
after that head over to white sand.
sit inside bio nail chit chat.
after that to t1 and off to 802.
off to angel house and back home.
what happen after that i wouldn't say :D
mei you jian bu de guang de shi so bu yao xiang wai wai. :D
caileng, chio hor.

Bi vomit

its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
11:04 AM
have you ever wonder why things turn out this way?
was it really me causing all this to happen or was it US that things turn out this way.
you just keep pushing the blame to me like you did nothing wrong.
since everything is over what's the point of acting pitiful once again.
the problem lies in us, we know it better than anyone else.
so why? why making yourself look so pitiful.
it's not going to help, seriously it's not going to.
what's over is over, so what's the point of holding it so tight and not intending to let go.
no one is going to be happy this way.
what's the point of wasting your precious time being sad?
a few minutes, a few days, a few weeks of sadness wasted just like that?
is it really worth it? ask yourself.
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, December 28, 2009
11:05 PM
went over to puiman's house to meet her.
head over to mall to meet yong shen and wen yong.
off to marina square for k box :D
after that to yaki yuki for dinner.
and back home.
wen yong send me home :D
had fun!
anyway, i saw this from facebook.
Marc Ng Still cant get over her, she left me coz she still loved her ex, im stupid huh, new year is coming, hopefully she will actually come back, i just hope thats not wishful thinking.
let me make it clear.
it's not because of him i left, it's because of YOU that i left.
my ex, he's special in a way to me. he's really important to me but that doesn't mean i still like him.
yes i did told you that you were a replacement, but that is just to make you let go of me.
and as for the coming back thing it's totally impossible.
i dont like you but in fact i seriously hate you.
acting pity in front of my friend ? flirting ? is this really what you call love?
i have move on and hope u do so too.
and now it's photo time :))

its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
5:24 PM
guess who called?
the modeling agent which i went to the other time called.
and ask me to sign a two years contract with them for FREE.
as a company is willing to pay for my portfolio and my salary.
they want me to be their model :D
theme sunshine.
but i reject as it's a full time thing , and further more studies.
visiting grandma, hopes she's better
its the beginning og something new.
8:37 AM
brought BiBi for a walk and saw 840 people.
and someone shouted net net net. Irritating!
visited chinese doctor after that.
and awhile later went for a hair cut.
and you know what, I CUT BOB/ CONCAVE.
few minutes later laogong called telling me she's bored as work ends early.
so rush down to find her.
walk around T1, cs Tm for five hours doing nothing.
Brought a present for Bro totally forgotten his birthday until the hair stylist told me it was the 26th of dec.
laogong accompanied me till wen yong end work.
laogong left and so wen yong and i started heading over to kimgary to meet caileng.
firsting leng did was WA YOU REALLY CUT BOB!
and she was like keep asking wen yong why you like her.
awhile later wen yong's friend came.
guess who is it? small world!
marc that idiot's friend andre.
andre is damn cute short and funny different for what marc that idiot told me.
after that went home to get my keys.
and off slacking with them.
went home at 12.
and now it's photo time.
wen yong and andre
andre. see cute right. Look abit like marcus hahaha. both short short one.
wenyong helping leng open the pack of chips and andre behind covering his face

andre LOL

puiman and ah soon yi

its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
9:43 AM
forgotten the restaurant name
they scolded me for playing with food,
but seriously the food there is horrible.
rotten egg and decided to add some color into it :D
(my creation)

(their creation)

hot stone

i wouldn't blog a single thing abou yesterrday.
But photos
its the beginning og something new.