Saturday, February 27, 2010
12:05 AM

Ade brought breakfast for sujata and i.
HYGIENE, boring!
FOOD, went in front to sit wa in front not sleepy sia
break time went canteen!!!
and demo donny sit my place so went to the second last row.
never pay attention.
cannot see dunno what to do.
english in front to sit.
help audrey take photo of mr guna and her.
train to bugis with jane and sean.
awhile later donny and weiliang came
jane left and donny me weiliang and sean went bugis junction walk walk.
train home.
and yup everyone not happy today!
so cheer up :D
things will get better real sooon, i hope.
so people cheer up let bygones be bygones.
a minute of time wasted being angry is a minute you cant take back so what is the point!
be happy right.
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
4:08 PM
share everything with joseph, audrey, logaan and junwei.
made fish and chip. nice nice.
we have to make our own tartar sauce.
hmmm, tiring! junwei and i mix the tartar and joseph pour oil only.
thumbs down for joseph!
was like looking outside the kitchen and was kind of shock cause sweeboon was like standing outside.
and he brought koii.
took lots of photo today, photographer was sweeboon.
wilson's fries NICE!
chef saw me opening SWEEBOON locker and he was like wa now got share locker liao.
(he thought it was donny's locker.
chef thought donny and i were like together cause we were like sitting with each other ytd)
FHH was next everyone in formal!
audrey was like posting sexy post and kissing the camera man and i was like laughing.
dunno what happened to sean today he seems to be quite emo today, well cheer up. :)
after FHH went over to change my top and everyone was like looking at me -.-
and ask me if i got jacket not. (asking me to wear)
-.- it's only a tank top.
before i end i would like to say something.
my baby (dog) is afraid of hamsters -.-

its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
9:39 PM
DARLINGS, DEARS, girlfriends N boyfriends have been having relationship problems recently.
and some idiots even tried to commit suicide which i think it's stupid.
yup i think it's stupid so which means i'm once stupid but no more :D
anyway, DEARS cheer up alright a minute of sadness is a minute wasted being sad,
that minutes should be treasure and not wasted alright.
let bygone be bygone what yours will be yours one day,
what's not will never be no matter how hard you try.
look forward in life and you will find out there are many things which are beautiful in life.
live for yourself and not for others.
so killing yourself will not help you gain anything and worst of all what if you really did die,
you will just end up in hell and your family and friends will be crying missing you dearly.
which i think it's not worth it(die).
your friends are still there for you like they always do.
cheer up alright.
its the beginning og something new.
9:23 PM

before lesson even start i will be like greeting everyone good morning everyday.
and today kind of special.
i'm like super happy and super loud, dont ask me why.
cause i'm like somehow happy that he knew that i like him.
doris was like laughing at me.
hmmm, started off with HYGIENE.
sleepy! did notes for logaan or should i say wilson.
next was FOOD.
alex was like damn funny he is like copying sean's action all the way and
i was like messaging him all the way.
i found out he actual have someone in mind quite sad about it but it's ok.
break time DCS110A in a bus to canteen like cool!
the first time DCS110A go canteen together, but too bad not all are there.
bus back to sch i was like laughing madly cause i recieve a call from him,
a miss call i was like so happy.
DEMO i pangseh jane, sujata ade and went over to the back row with donny.
and chef thought donny and i emmmhmmmm together.
sean help jane to buy tang yuan and fries for me
thanks thanks
ENGLISH i pass.
and after sch ion with sujata donny sweeboon and wilson.
brought tea!!! X3
after that donny left and the rest of us headed off to sujata house for tea.
went home baby was like damn happy waiting for me at the door hopping on 2 legs
like soooooo cute :D
its the beginning og something new.
9:08 PM
school starts at 2.30 but donny went to sch at 8.
so i went over to accompany him.
solo1, library, smoking corner.
(i good girl nv smoke)
sweeboon skip I.S so bad!
but thanks for the koii :D
took photos and off to mac after group 2 I.S with weiliang, darren, donny,
while gerwyn, sweeboon and kartono go swimming.
back to sch for FHC.
i was like laughing laughing laughing with donny, junwei.
brought chocolates and was like share share.
last piece of chocolate junwei pass it to sean.
and guess what i found out that HE knows i like him.
so yup.
after sch shisha with sujata, wilson, donny, alex, sweeboon and adeline.
all under 18 so only sweeboon shisha.
alex, donny and i say about our love stories.
donny make me laugh like hell.
went down with donny to find another shop for shisha.
and yes manage to find one so called alex down to shisha.
talk talk talk and became high.
after that sweeboon they all came and awhile later back home.
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
7:56 AM
MUM brought her a LV bag, me leh my SLR leh :C
next month :D
tomorrow will be his birthday, should or shouldn't i go over to his house to pass present to him.
scared that someone will see me, he doesnt want to see me, i'm like thinking a lot right now :(
today i'm a koii delivery lady :D
anyway now it's all about anger.
firstly i dont know why baby so stupid, can follow stranger home.
stupid to the max.
and that idiot neighbour, never die before.
how dare he take touch my baby with his dirty hands.
he keep asking baby to squeeze himself out of the gate.
like what the hell is he trying to do.
despo for dogs?
my baby is my property!
lynette property!
he is called TanBIBI not some other weird name.
if you like my baby so much den get yourself a dog, but i guess you dont have enough $ to do so.
like what i always say like father like son.
your son steal money you steal dogs.
i wonder why this kind of people even exist
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, February 22, 2010
4:47 PM
i feel so stress blogging!
baby sitting beside me looking at me like i going to die.
ok well i love my baby to max max.
went to sch for Demo and food and mum came over to pick me up.
not feeling well.
and doctor give me pills.
i dunno how to eat pills -.-
dont laugh!
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
8:17 AM
last night ROY say he miss me :D
so sweet.
and say i forgotten all about him,
didn't jio him out and i was like you come shatec find me lah, i cook for you :D
and he was like stomachache ahahaha.
(standard one, almost everyone say that to me )
But it turn out good, ben say so :D
ok well yesterday was stressful.
stress until i reach school at 12.30 when sch start at 2
IT"S LIKE pratical test so yup, stress!
went into kitchen 45 minutes early with doris and sujata.
wonder what the did for another 45 minute in the toilet?
breath in and out, wash knife set and look into the mirror talking to myself like i am a retard.
test start damn nervous! manage to finish it just in time.
joseph garlic mashed potato alot of milk and cream.
and he was like my one nicer den your. HAO LIAN. XD
after test went arab st for SHISA.
donny and i cannot walk straight, i think jane too.
cab home $10 only .
after that find jokim go drink drink go home.
usually mum will scold me if bibi is on the bed but last night,
she thought bibi was one of my soft toy.
so ya.
i wish i have a BF like xiu,
he's like so man, so cool, so romance, so shy, so cute!
nice nice~
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, February 19, 2010
8:54 PM
oh ya did i mention.
i was almost late for sch yesterday, woke up late, heng bibi woke me up.
yup it's him! that stupid baby of mine :D
today started off with HYGIENE.
pissed nevermind!
got chocolate from sean.
thanks thanks.
FOOD mentor didnt come so another mentor take over.
2 hours break so went mall with
sean, ben, jane, junwei, joseph, sujata, doris, wilson, alex, junyang, darren, suwandi donnt and adeline.
after that was DEMO.
damn sleepy!
and after that english end early.
went over to horizon with ben, sweeboon, jane, raj and cherry.
hmmmm, we were the guest and was serve.
food wasn't good and the best part was desert.
camera fliming you so it's like stress when you are like eating and lots of eyes looking at you.
went home with sweeboon.
meet up with jayson practice and went home.
and below are some photos of baby and i

its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
6:39 PM
i brought peach vinegar to school :D
and i'm like so loving it now.
D.D brought the peach vinegar Btw.
started off with I.S for the day.
hmm as usual i'm like the first to complete.
was like mopping the floor halfway, jane was like koii come already.
and i was like WA why i nv see him come in put the koii on the table.
i think because i too hardworking, concentrate on mopping too much liao.
ok it's swee boon who brought koii. thanks thanks.
the guys was like wa koii again me dont have.
next was FHH.
raj say my mashed potato nice :D
share koii with devid, audrey, raj, logann.
mentor was like showing us a video of a girl with juse legs no hands looking after a kid.
and she ask will we give birth to a child if we were her and i was like
after school mac with sujata and her friends came.
went off to meet ben.
slack slack and pass him my roast chicken and garlic mash potato.
he say not bad :D
after that went home
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
9:12 PM

drinking peach vinegar right now.
wooohoooo, slimming slimming slimming :D
saw this super hot guy at TQ just now ok well whatever.
shall start off with yesterday's story.
went over to Leng's house to meet her.
went off to CS to meet my Bf zhengyuan and leng's Bf best friend kaicheng.
off to ehub for Kbox and guess what her boyfriend arrive.
after all the singing went back to leng's house.
gamble gamble gamble lose lose lose :C
ok well Bf zy and i was like cheating, he saw me losing and he was like changing my cards with his so i will like win .
so touch.
ok well. after that the 6 guys came and i went back home to get something.
and back to leng house.
gamble gamble gamble and i lose all my money -.-
edmund damn funny keep making me laugh like hell.
i was like standing up and ask bf zy to let me sit and SOMEONE was like sit on his leg lah.
he also not really my bf,
been acting like lovers ever since sec sch .
head lots of stories :C
shaozheng become paikia liao.
after that bf zy send me home.
as for today,
jane and ade didnt come.
nothing much, kind of boring.
(fast forward)
english lesson,
alex, junwei damn funny.
west mall with audrey sujata joseph junwei.
junwei lie to me he got wife and baby :C
went round and round looking at baby items -.-
for junwei baby LOL.
jokes went home with junwei and joseph.
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
9:13 AM

its the beginning og something new.
12:55 AM

gave baby hongbao, his one and only hong bao.
(but in the end i take back LOL to get him his treats)
was like wanting to take photo with baby but he kept hiding dont want to take photo with me.
but i did manage to get some :D
ok let's start.
first stop, grandma house(dad's).
brought baby along :D
triston and trivor left the minute we reach :C
after that went over to grandma house(mum's).
BOYS playing ps3.
GIRLS make up and nail polish.
and for me sit there help J put on fake eyelash glue.
head off to limin's mum house.
hmmm i saw her sis, dont remember her.
haven't seen them for like a long time.
toa payoh to meet uncle and off to cine for a movie.
blah blah blah and the lighting thief.
after that cab down to marymount to meet bryan they all(5 peeps).
bryan pick me up from bus stop and jay they all were like disiao.
after that stayed at serangoon.
i ate "kou rou ". nice nice.
back home, over to francis house.
talk talk slack slack and off to serangoon.
reach door step damn shock cause 4 peeps sitting on the sofa who i dont know.
and i realise it's KOR KORS and JIE JIES.
long long time never see them liao.
he's like damn shuai XD
ok well was like playing with that popper thingy den the neighbour was like
dont dirty my floor -.-
when it's like the corridor lah!
den still scold us CB.
LC people.
back home to change heels to slippers and off to mall.
had fish and co, share with J.
off for movie.
but he in this show damn KNS not good looking, but his figure ah sexy LOLS.
nice nice.
after that back home.
i'm going out with ZHENGYUAN
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
8:29 AM
went over to triston's house and his mum just gave birth to a baby brother.
hmmm, his name is travor. he damn fat sia! everyone think that he's cute cause he's fat,
but to me i think it's wierd, no offence but you guys should know i hate kids.
anyway spend sometime there and i got almond jelly!!!!!
hehehe, my favourite.
after that off to serangoon play cards.
D.D drove us there. :D
i brought bibi there and everyone was like don't let your dog dirty the floor.
was like WHAT THE FISH, my baby very clean one ok!
anyway jocleen and i won 5 bucks so we spilt half half :D
darren won 11 bucks, benedict 20++, ben 5 bucks, gerald lose 20++.
know what gerald's mum brought gerald my favourite car :C
start with P slowly go guess :D
gerald and ben went off to get us prata at dunno what banana shop.
and after that gerald left.
oh ya! i got that fried nian gao :D
reach home at 3+ going 4
straight away go sleep damn tired.
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, February 12, 2010
6:07 PM
reach school, ade and sujata was like waiting for me to arrive so they can eat.
omg touch touch wait just for me.
ade brought bee hoon for me and got HOTDOG :D
sweeboon brought beancurd and soya milk.
started off with HYGIENE.
hmmm, everyone pass :D
went down to get fish finger and cheezel.
next was FOOD.
kind of like BORED!
i was like changing places cause i can't see people in front are like so tall.
ok well i know i'm short so yup :)
breaktime, went up to sia huat and off we go TO MAC :)
(ade, sean and i)
i was like craving for mac fries since morning, and since sean want to go mac must as well follow right.
OTW THERE, i think sean very bored, he never talk and ade and i was like talking to ourself.
and i was like asking sean lame question, i dunno what to say.
sean's contact nice sia!
(fast forward)
OTW back to sch, alex called, saw them all of us went back to school together.
and was like TEST for POWC!!!!
ok well, average, i think i can pass.
next was ENGLISH test.
sure pass one.
and know what i was like shock when sean say bye to me after eng test.
inter/train with junwei, shawn, jane, sweeboon, kartono, devid, joseph, alex, gerwyn and bernard.
and later on modeling :D
ok so that's all for today.
see u tml :)
its the beginning og something new.
9:32 AM
I pass my hygiene test
hurray :)
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
6:24 PM
PHOTO TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
SEAN and I.
(he damn shy one)
skinny hor, hourglass shape :C

me junwei, donny, wilson, logan
jun wei and i

lesson started off with I.S we cooked roasted chicken :D
fun fun fun!!!
when chef do it, got fire sia!!!!
my one dont have :C
nvm because only 1 of us get it.
swee boon brought koii.
den alex was like complain to FHH mentor.
saying sweeboon always buy things for me when i ask den never buy for him.
FHH was next.
audrey damn good in acting.
FHH mentor scold us , or should i say doris did.
cause we keep making fun of cherry.
hmmm, cherry cried,
i think ít's kind of fake
she like force herself to cry like that -.-
went sakae.
and back home.
its the beginning og something new.