Tuesday, March 30, 2010
6:44 PM
what to do what to do what to do ?
hmmmmm, a fool after all.
thanks :D
the end bye bye.
I'm sorry, I think I have fallen for you.
James asked why no bf yet.
I wan to concentrate on my course first before thinking about having a boyfriend like seriously.
I have wasted enough time already.
And further more, why rush?
I wan a boyfriend who can last with me till marriage.
And a family blah blah blah.
Not someone who will leave u after a while.
its the beginning og something new.
7:42 AM
ok well i forget to add something into my SUNDAY"S journey
went i was like cutting my hair at the salon,
i brought a five year old girl to the toilet. (hair dresser's daughter)
she is kind of cute.
run towards me and hold my hand.
later wait for her to wee wee and i helped her to press the tap.
hmmmm, wouldn't it be great if you have a child who is so quite.
LOLS. i'm starting to love kids.
weee weeeee FUN.
meet adeline and sujata at 12 over at vivo's candy empire but i reach there at 10.30.
i know i siao already.
i'm like super bored at home lah.
bro bro go sch, bibi ignore me cause he wants to sleep.
ok so i walked around vivo looking for food to contain in my picnic bag.
and yes hehe manage to get 2 huge bottles of water, tibits :D
(tibit all cheese and tomato flavour)
went back to candy empire to meet them and off we go to sentosa.
went parawan beach.
saw wen hao they all and i was like omg omg omg.
swim swim a while sun tan awhile and off we go.
see bird bird.
and off to under water world. :D
super small!!! i prefer the one in taiwan, japan, korea, hongkong better.
after that see seal show.
damn cute sia, look i bibi i swear.
adeline feed me :D
awwwww so sweet.
after a while of shopping at daiso.
went off to find mummy.
went mango for shopping :D
and back home.
i will stay at home and rot.
i'm super tired and i'm super lazy to move.
time to catch up on my dramas.
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
10:40 PM
This week event :
29 march - sentosa with ade and sujata
30 march - go eat potato with leng and gang
31 march - clinic, pub-bing with j and gang
1 April - k box with puiman and gang
2 April - FREE
3 April - sentosa
4 April - bibi birthday
its the beginning og something new.
9:44 PM
korea restaurant with D.D and darren over at east coast park.
went back home.
dinner with mu and darren over at wang, cause i'm like so full.
J came over yup shopping :D
and i kind of argue with a lot of people yesterday.
sorry, this few days i'm not really in good mood that's why i'm like so hot tempered.
sorry sorry and for YOU KNOW WHO.
sorry i said all those things to you, i dont really mean what i say.
it's just that there's a lot of things in mind friendship, relationship and family issue.
sorry i didn't intend to make u sound like a bastard.
chiong to airpory to send donny off.
and i was ok ok sorry! but in the end i reach the meeting place the same time as sean.
walk around, went popeye to eat.
send donny off and went tampines with sean.
intend to watch remember me. but it's like the show start very late so intended not to watch.
walk around for awhile and said bye bye to sean, he went home, i went over to look for gift while waiting for puiman.
puiman arrive, went shopping for gift and off to yoshi for food.
and she went off to work.
and me meet caileng.
went e hub for k
off to white sand for hair cut.
the both of us.
and headed off to tamp for dinner.
mos burger :D
and say hi go hao wei and yup off i go back home.
intend to meet james they all for drinking session but dont really feel like going.
so home sweet home.
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
8:46 AM
two days straight.
the same dream.
woke up in the middle of the night just to see if the dream was real but in the end it was just a dream.
the dream was like:
woke up in the middle of the night, on my phone and i saw a message from him.
he wrote:" baby, i'm sorry for hurting you so badly. if you are willing let us start all over again and i promise things wouldnt be the same again. i promise". i can still remember clearly, the message in my dream was send by him at 12.14am. and yes i did reply, i say okok :D
and from there everything end, end of dream.
woke up and felt as in it's so real. so i on my phone and check for his messages.
nothing was there.
it was a dream indeed.
soooo real so true but was nothing at all.
at that time i really feel like crying.
the same thing for 2 days.
how silly am i. haha.
it's been a long time ever since i dream.
so which means i must be really very tired this few days.
nevermind like what donny say what done is done what gone is gone.
look forward in life and never turn back. :D
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, March 26, 2010
6:11 PM
i'm sorry i broke your heart.
it's not that i dont like you or something.
yes i like you, but the liking i have for you is just to the limit of just friends.
you dont have to tell me just how long you have been waiting.
because i didn't ask you to stay, i wan you to leave.
even if you are willing to wait, just how long will it last.
i tell you it's going to end one day, nothing really last forever.
we should look forward in life and not remind here.
you say you love me.
what's love?
will someone really love one person forever?
i used to think that things will last forever but now i dont think so.
cause it's not going last, people heart change.
they got tired of it and let you with a broken heart in the end.
and den you will just try to give up when you can't and find a so call replacement,
and anyone person just get hurt.
YES. that's how i feel.
you can tell the whole world that you love him so much but in the end he can just leave you cause he have never love you before.
you will meet someone better and someone even better den this it's only the matter of when.
yes people get hurt for being rejected, but thát's part of life too.
you grow stronger each time.
i'm sorry.
its the beginning og something new.
6:00 PM

it isn't the same anymore
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
8:11 PM
English exam.
After that went smoking corner with Harold while waiting for the rest
went city hall with ade and Sujata
wanted to go k but den in the end nv
tried to catch dolls but fail to do so
saw a dead cat on the road soooo poor thing
after that off to amk take cab to yishun
played para para and poool
den bus home
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
6:36 PM
fooooooooood test,
hmmm quite easy!
tenderloin cut all nv come out :C
was like expecting it to come out but nvm.
sweeboon never come for exam so 0 for him .
was like intending to go home straight but went ion with ade and sujata instead.
buy tea, omg i saw my handsome france guy :D
and something happen, maybe i shouldn't have said that but nevermind what done is done what said have been said.
should look on the bright side.
watch how to train your dragon .
the dragon damn cute lah. OMG i wish i got one.
after that sujata went home.
and i was like hey ade 65 lets go.
but in the end we ended up at vivo.
we took the bus which is from a different dierction.
so yup ended up there not tampines.
walk walk den mrt-cab back to tam.
ade came over to me house.
omg i accidently kiss her..... hand i mean.
oh ya did i mention i gave her a flying kiss in TOWN :D
how sweet am i :D
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
6:17 PM
Powc test today.
Woooohooooo I think I will fail.
Went vivo with Harold Sean junyang Joseph and Donny
went mac to eat donny brought me nugget but I don one eat
and he was like 3 days nv eat le cannot!!
So he feed me but I nv eat.
Harold force me to eat
den Sean oso try to feed me but all fail
but in the end ate 1
shopping at vivo and Sean left first.
I was kind of emo due to some reason and Harold Donny keep trying to cheer me up
serangoon with Harold and junyang
and d.d pick me up :)
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, March 22, 2010
4:34 PM
damn hard!!!!
smoking corner with donny jane sean to find harold and gang.
off to airport with donny, sean, joseph and junwei to study.
popeye :D
study study den went home.
i was like telling donny i dont one accompany u wait for ur mum i wan go home with sean.
den i the end sean go town so home with junwei and joseph.
i swear joseph damn gay.
donny wait for his mum at airport alone, sorry !
its the beginning og something new.
7:01 AM
Lunch with Donny at tampines one.
Went j.co for coffee and hot chocolate.
And yes we studied!!!
Awhile later Sean came.
Went library to look for place but no space to study so went Hans to study instead.
Sean keep on don't one tell me who is soooooo cute lol
oh ya before that went mac, Sean and Donny wan eat,
intend to study at mac but the both of the , go mac see soccer -.-
after all the laughing and etc!
They send me home
wa bibi like Sean a lot leh!!!!
Keep on run towards Sean and jump jump jump.
Today changi with Sean Donny and junwei :)
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
8:42 AM
i thought you were someone nice, someone who i can trust someone whom is really nice.
but i didn't thought u would do so many things behind my back to get what you want.
but let me tell you here, i'm not going to be yours, and you will never be someone i will like, never in a million years.
never ever be.
you make me think that he is a bad guy so it would make you a good guy and so you think that by telling me all that i would just give up on him and fall for you?
no way. you are totally out of my list and totally not my kind of tea.
in order to get what you want, have you thought if that person is happy you will just be find being what you are?
but no! in order to get what you want to you you need to have her. THAT"S YOU.
but you know what? the best thing about him was that he didn't do anything which you have done.
he is happy as long as i am.
he ask for nothing in return but you did.
he didn't make me scared of him but you did.
you dont make me feel that you need me nor like me.
you just make me think you are just despo for someone.
i dont need someone like you in my life.
its the beginning og something new.
8:25 AM
stay at home the whole day playing spend time with tanbibi.
hmmm, bro have his piano exam and he's like damn nervous as usual.
but hope his result did come out with flying colors lah,
cause i wan him to play a new song i am tired of hearing the same song all the time!!!
and it's really kind of irritating.
even bibi cant stand it!!.
FOOD presentation, i was like damn nervous and i dont like why so i was like playing with adeline's yogurt while presenting.
and you know what when it was adeline's turn to present i was like advertising yogurt lor,
but no one see it only THAT IDIOT GOLDFISH and mr niwaz.
and mr niwaz was like laughing at me.
lunch with sean, jane, donny, harold, junyang, kenyon, joseph at mac.
as usual sean would order double cheese burger.
shy shy quite quite as usual.
i'm like super noise yesterday cause i am like super happy, donny knows why.
after lunch was debate.
i am like super nervous.
i miss a lot of lines and words.
hmmm, nervous till i can feel my heartbeat on my head.
but ya it's true.
down to kbox with donny, sean, jane, harold and junyang which is located at marina square.
good good at least better den that idiot goldfish who sing like a girl.
donny ejected off all my song so yup in the end part i didn't get to sing at all.
(i sing most of it already so nvm forgive him)
when donny finally let me sing a song, the kbox ppl ask us to go out LOLS.
so sway right.
after that off to starbuck slack slack.
i tell you they guys, crazy over smoking !!
every 30 minutes need to smoke one.
:C soon you will see them in the hospital (lung cancer)
and u know wad i was like die faster u know,
donny was like at least i know how i die, from lung cancer.
i felt sad for the people who smoke, killing themself slowly without knowing when they will die.
train back with harold and sean,
harold was like si bai lah you si bai!
cause i'm like so noisy but i cant think of anything to talk to sean about.
but just keep laughing.
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
11:53 AM
went to school just to see people presenting for english debate and food presentation.
so it's like going to sch doing nothing, must as well dont go.
after school went imm with jane, sujata, adeline, donny, harold and goldfish sweeboon.
had fish and co, my favourite fish and chips and mushroom soup :D
after that jane left with her baby, adeline off to find someone and the rest of us went over to cityhall for singing :D
donny piggyback me and he was like saying that i am heavy :C
harold and donny keep smoking so it's like them wanting to die faster in a slower way.
in kbox donny and harold were like hiding when i sang breathless cause they are afraid of me singing loudly LOLS.
but i didn't in the end .
oh ya did i mention, harold treated me like a ghost again.
ahaha but this time with goldfish and donny joining along.
went home with harold.
and hope sujata have a great time with us and didnt get scolded from her parents badly.
and yup the bill was 8 dollars per person for k box
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, March 15, 2010
9:06 PM
I can't sleep the whole of last night because I am like super nervous for pratical exam which is like today
started with demo I was like super crazy because I'm like super nervous when b class told me their chef expectation is damn high,
and their chef is going to be our food taster.
Adeline brought me breakfast, sweeboon brought congee.
During pratical I manage to cool down for awhile but once it was my turn I was like omg heart beat damn fast
the taster wasn't b class de chef was chef Adrain
but guess what he say to me job well done :)
Donny and Jane ate my 2 bowls of food and Donny was like what u do de?
And I was like ya and he was like nice leh nice leh:)
after sch dinner with ade and went home
and today is Doris bird day ok I mean birthday day
and I burn myself during I.s
its the beginning og something new.
5:59 AM
after school went over to the airport with Harold, sweeboon and Donny.
Harold was like acting as in he can't see me.
The only way he could see me is through sweeboons phone.
He even told the waiter that there is three people dining in instead of four.
Lols after dinner at hong kong cafe ,
went home.
Donny an Sweeboon send me home.
Thanks Donny!!!
went to school for I.S
totally not in the mood due to some message Donny send me ,
about someone!
Everything went wrong chicken over cook, sauce break, no color in plating and yup that's about all.
Oh ya and also I cut my hand and mistaken it for chicken blood -.-
sweeboon gerwyn kartono ad Bernard join second I.s and was like standing facing Jane and me and Joseph
and I was like what the hell sure fail de lah cause boon stand in front .
He is like a jinx to me ahahaha kidding
after sch ate goose liver and back home
Sunday went over to watch kidnapper with ben and dict
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
5:40 PM
Today damn unlucky!!!!!!
First of all, mum found out about my tattoo
secondly, she's selling away tanbibi
thirdly, I burn my hand during I.S
forth, I fail my practical
fifth, chicken breast ok, chicken leg uncooked
sixth, sauce not enough pepper
seventh, vege not serve hot
eighth, plate cold
ninth, I got 3 cuts on my hand
tenth, tanbibi vommited again.
Haish see today so unlucky!!!!!
Anyway today started off with I.S and only tt lesson for the day
so wore shorts to school :)
in the train I was like sitting down beside an uncle and he was like damn fish lah
open his leg so big, keep on hit me with his leg!
I did hollandaise for the sauce , chicken Kiev with garlic mashed potato.
Went facial after I.S
but before that meet puiman went for lunch with her
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
9:23 PM
supposed to be a OFF DAY FOR GROUP 1.
BUT i went back to sch for project. :C
see i soooooo gooooooooooooood girl :D
reach school, donny was there and i was like zilian in class.
donny and adeline buai tahan.
jump here and there sing here and there because i am like so damn BORED.
went Solo 1 to get joseph a plaster.
and went over to the library wait for ben and gerwyn.
THE SWEEEEEEEBOOOOOOON liar one lah! tell me no shallot for exam but GOT LOR.
idiot make me find for hours, search so many webs just for a dish with no shallot.
ok well after the project went west mall with donny,
saw a lot of people!!! as in classmate!
a lot was like you two dating ah -.-
udders for ice cream.
and off to jurong east with donny while waiting for reuel.
reuel arrive and bye bye to donny.
went over to yishun for a meal and off to louis house for body art.
hmmm, louis dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn handsome.
after a while went home :D
went out of the house at 6 reach sch at 7.30
OMG damn early lah.
heng sujata was there early, before me if not i sian sian.
walk around sch bare footed :D
cause my shoe wet.
order KFC for lunch :D
donny very moody today.
say not coming today but he still come.
after sch off to mall to find leng.
went kimgary to eat and guanxiong was there :D
after that went home
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
7:45 AM
shall skip meals again.
now i am like 51KG OMG.
(i know it's damn heavy)
soon it will be 52 den 53 den bla bla bla 60 OMG OMG OMG.
so after sch dont call me out, going home straight and den go stadium.
not bring any $$ to sch so i wouldn't be spend it on food.
yup water for 6 months uptil i reach 43KG :D
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, March 8, 2010
9:48 PM
as usual MRT to bukit batok alone.
I SAW WAN YI!!!! took TRAIN with her to clementi and say byebye.
reach bukit batok something happened,
sweeboon met with an accident.
(see i told you, short people shouldnt drive XD )
ok so he didn't go to sch today, heng only leg abit pain if not DIE.
brought beancurd with soya milk for jane.
when chef cook finish his dishes.
guess what she did she took the chicken breast for suwandi and she ate it herself.
ok nvm and i was like JANE HELP ME TAKE!
guess what she did.
she open her mouth and give me her half chew chicken -.-
nvm she went back to take vege for me!
i want chicken not vege!
and adeline was like sitting beside me laughing at the whole thing.
jane and i was like talking about mr niwaz and we laugh.
stay back in class 2 eat curry chicken rice.
OMG I TELL YOU! i can't eat chilli.
I.S everyone love my fry chicken.
chicken inside got mushroom and cheese :D
after that go for goose liver.
but nv open so went upstair to find food.
after that sujata house for tea and back home.
a lot of things happened today and donny was like trying to cheer me up.
thanks thanks
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
9:20 AM
D.D send me to sch yesterday :D
went over to the boys toilet to find donny (outside)
Sean and colin stay back for second Pratice :D
and so it's full house :))
wait for donny, wait for him to do finish his work plan.
and Donny first sentence to me was like WHY YOU WEAR UNTIL LIKE THAT TODAY GOT OPENING LEH.
(if get caught, point deducted, i think)
after awhile left donny and went over to change.
during I.S. i was like the first to complete :C
damn bored so went round to see people's fish and of cause keep irritating donny,
ask him to go buy drinks with me XD
wa i tell you sean ah damn gentle to the fish sia.
and his actions all like WA perfection.
my mashed potato i use spoon to mash -.-
fish the skin stick on the pan, den gg.
chef say my fish look sick LOLS
after I.S rush off to find the boys.
kind of pissed off, so choosy with food -.-
sushi tei and back to man dunno what den back to sushi tei.
spend 138 on sushi tei.
and the boys were like arcade and i was like shopping alone :(
after that movie. zhou ren.
funny But at the same time sad.
after that slack slack and back home
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
8:39 AM
adeline borught mac breakfast for jane me and herself,
was like damn full.
sujata brought cheese,
and i was like forcusing sweeboon to eat it cause hate cheese.
but in the end he throw cheese away.
it started off with HYGIENE,
Donny and i was like listening to music and singing.
didn't pay much attention to what the mentor is talking about.
Donny said i very rude :C
should try to change that!
went over to lock to get plastic cups for sean as he need one.
change jackets with wilson, harold, suwandi.
harold one was like winter jacket.
but cool cool and harold was like wearing mango jeans.
donny and i were like talking about our past relationship problems,
sujata can't concentrade so she went over to sit with doris.
sorry sorry.
intend to stay in sch because i am damn full after the huge amount of breakfast i ate.
BUT went over to canteen because donny keep asking me to.
ate fruits!!! PINEAPPLES :D
the lady who is like serving me was like damn rude.
i give her 50 dollars she only give me back 6, she went overe to serve some other people.
and i was like aunty i give you 50 leh.
den she was like you cannot wait ah.
like wat the fish she can serve someone else and give them their change and y mine need to wait.
and what fish attitude she giving -.-
donny act as bernard (how bernard hit guys).
but to me it look more like how sweeboon hit guys XD
i was like sing sing sign and kartono call me to shut up :C
devid, kartono started calling me ninette.
ninette = shit.
started making that man man voice and jarette was like who is that who is that.
and bernard was like she got xiao ji ji -.-
IMM with donny and sweeboon.
had crystal jade, damn full but we manage to finish all.
(mostly are ate by sweeboon and donny )
after that came over to my house.
sweeboon kidnap TANBIBI -.-
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
8:19 PM
Hygiene, super boring.
Food, smell all the herbs N cheeeeeeese :)
demo, did chicken picatta
English, kind of pissed off cause of some bitch.
Went home with gerwyn kartono and sweeboon
I.S. I cook cheese mashed potato and cheese chicken
chef Wei le wo put additional cheese as ingredient :)
FHH. More project :(
it's driving me crazy
after that went off with Donny.
Meet leng leng :)
off to white sand to find Xiwen
and after that to mall for some shopping
I'm like soooooooo looking forward for chalet
hope I'm free on tt day
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
6:03 AM
went to sch early for SPEECH.
took a total of 100 photos for the class :D
when it was my turn for speech , jane and the rest keep making me laugh.
hmmmmm, after speech went koufu with harold, donny, junyang, sujata and joseph.
sujata and i were like laughing at harold cause he was like kao ban lai liao lao ban lai liao.
saying about junyang.
share steamboat with sujata and junyang help us carry to the table thx thx.
after tt went over to timezone :D
and everyone back home, me go eunos.
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, March 1, 2010
8:19 PM

i looooooooooooove drums!
we got second place for that dance competition :D
fish fillet roll with cream sauce.
as usual sean would help me take photos of the dishes,
donny and i were be like acting like retards,
sujata and i rubbing each others head,
taking photos in class,
raj eat finish all the food,
sweeboon never come, food posioning.
photo taking :D
jane phone spoil.
audrey kiss and hug me 0.0
donny sms me when he is like right behind me.
mistaken doris for audrey.
canteen with sujata, donny, audrey, jane, adeline and doris.
after tt raj, suwandi, devid and ben came.
jane lost her phone.
went out with donny to get drink.
shopping with ade and sujata.
its the beginning og something new.