Friday, August 27, 2010
7:25 PM

we got back together again.
all this which happened was just a little misunderstanding.
went clynston's house and i forgotten what happened that day.
went SATS.
peeling of carrots the whole day at SATS.
went for this thai workshop at sats and i am going to get a cert for thai cooking :D
now i know how to make moo phud prik(a pork dish),chu chee sauce(something like red curry), gaeng kiew whan gai(green chicken curry), tom yum, larb gai( thai chicken salad)and tago sarkoo(dessert)
was like laughing at haoming cause there's this lady call him xiao jie.
and that lady keep saying ppl fat.
rushed home after SATS and clynston came over to my place.
went over to his place wait for him to change, his mum brought for me rice and i was like thanks aunty for the rice and he was like laughing at me cause he say very formal.
and off for FOOD again.
went for beancurd (so call supper), and roti prata.
after that clynston came over to my place to sleep.
he wore my brother's t and he was like wan dont wan wear -.-
he laugh at me , at what i wear for orh orh.
morning wake clynston up, ate breakfast with him at my dining table.
as mum brought breakfast for me, he say i formal for saying thanks aunty for the rice, he oso ma -.-
mum left for work, went over to his place wait for him to change and off to amk.
he's dog that fat one really need a diet, bark like pig like that hahah.
the small skinny one cute but fierce -.-
went amk for sushi buffet first at suki sushi.
hmmm, i ate more den him, ya can see.
cause i m fatter.
he almost vomitted because of me cause he ate raw prawn.
(it's not actually raw it's just cold prawns. anyway i'm sorry i didnt know u r so **********less)
after that went for a movie called GROWN UP.
wa lao i tell you ah it's the first time i watch a movie with just me and him inside -.-
damn scary, but we can talk and laugh loudly, no one cares.
it's like totally emtpy just the both of us watching tt show.
after the show walk around amk hub and took a bus back to tamp.
oh ya i saw dionna at huogang, she called me and say hi but didnt say hi to clynston and he was like naggy like an old grandma hahahaha.
i realize clynston is becoming more and more retarded.
crazy guy -.-
short, crazy, thin, retarded, big head monster .
started home rot.
21 jan 2010 is the day little baby jacob passed away and guess what ? i dreamt of him just now. wonder what he's doing up there. SAD.
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, August 23, 2010
8:46 AM
was in the train, everyone was like looking at me cause tears suddenly roll down my cheek.
ok well, we broke off, i asked for it but his words did hurt as well.
well, i was expecting too much as usual.
maybe this is the time for us to really cool down and think about it ba.
wanna thank sweeboon, limbin, adeline, jane, and etc for cheering me up.
i'm going for dinner wit my two precious later on, maybe one only.
second time i come to realize, two people who are in love, being together doesnt make both happy.
trust, understanding, love and communication.
i want to thank limbin a lot he really brighten up my day.
want to go down pei me even if his back hurt a lot.
thanks ah bin :D
and for joel, ur message,
" girl cheer up, you look super happy but i know you are just wearing a mask for us to see. you are stil the same you dont show people how you feel just because you dont want people to be worried but remember this in mind we are here for you always. just because you are once hurt doesnt mean everyone will treat you the same, just because he understand you a lot doesnt mean this guy will too, never expect so much cause you are the one who will hurt both parties and you will get hurt for expecting too much from him as well. give each other time dont say break because you dont wish to get hurt , it's not fair for him as well. and please dont always try to spark people and hoping people will pamper you, everyone is not the same. stop being so ti ki wanting him to do something which will please you cause no one really know what you are thinking at time, you are someone who is hard to understand, you dont really show what you really want. maybe you are just restricting yourself from getting hurt again but do remember everyone is different."
thanks a lot brother :D
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
8:18 AM
sat, yesterday.
went sats.
took the same train with bin without noticing it,
too bus to SATS with bin and was laughing for the whole day .
he waited for me outside girls locker and went pp together.
cut seaweed together and talk about BGR and keep laughing acting retarded.
awhile later went cutting dates with him and from 9++ to 4 we were like cutting dates.
few minutes nat came started talking and disiao-ing. laugh nonstop.
lunch time with the both of them as well as jane.
went up cut dates and went kind of crazy with bin.
really brighten up my day.
bin want to sit so i give him my chair and aunty uncle was like giving me chair to sit and bin was like see u stand so many ppl give u chair, i stand no one give me.
hahah the same thing happen to the scissor XD.
chef offer us fruits
went home, clynston was outside sats.
went popeye. and back home.
for 3 freaking days he never say good night to me but bin did.
he said gd night siao zhar bor becareful of your hand dont get cut again
see so sweet.
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, August 20, 2010
6:14 PM

out with clynston,
meet him at O.P, went to his house after that went for sakae buffet,
went to see DOGS and serangoon for some FOOD and ETC and back home.
i went SATS. cut different types of tofu with one of the senior.
hmmm, time past fast.
lunch with the senior wa me and him damn quiet nv talk at all sooo peaceful.
until i got a call from freeze.
freeze came over to look for me and started playing games.
he keep saying that i am very slow.
went back PP1 after lunch with that senior and i slice ginger with the machine.
damn fun!
went back alone, freeze called and asked me why never wait for him den go home together.
fri, today.
ate burger king, wait for jane, went SATS together.
she go for western kitchen and me to PP1.
cut differnt type of tofu again but along with deon and limbin.
limbin really brighten up my day.
keep laughing and playing nonstop with him.
drank ginger tea, limbin help me pour milk into my ginger tea.
limbin even say that i am very violent towards tofu
(cause all my tofu broken, started throwing tofu at his chopping board)
hmm, lunch with jane.
haoming keep on call me dont bully deon ahahaha.
happy smsing him.
after break went western kitchen see see, put trays and off to find limbin and deon.
totally nothing to do so went walking around CC1 with leon, deon, nathaniel and limbin.
keep on gu ji limbin and he keep running away and ppl di siao.
and chef damn nice treat us damn good, got fruits to eat.
and later slach slack with them outside pp1,
laugh like hell over the things they say .
home alone again.
happy chatting with jane.
i wonder why angmo guys are so romantic and asian guys are not.
asian guys doesnt give surprises,
asian guys doesnt know what is initiative,
asian guys wouldn't know how to do sweet things.
they wouldn't pop out at their gf workplace without informing them.
they would always ask their gf where they want to go instead of bring them to a place without telling them where it is.
they wouldnt cook a candlelight dinner at home for the girl and him to spend their anniversary alone instead of spending lots of money outside
(girls love you not because of $$$)
they wouldnt wait outside your door step the whole night just to make u forgive them.
they wouldnt get u congee when you are sick, they will only sms you a get well soon.
they wouldnt get you ur favourite flower out of the blues.
they wouldnt hug you suddenly and say baby how i wish we could be like this forever.
they wouldn't plan a nice touching event before they ask you for marriage, they will just give u a ring and say marry me.
when they know that you are angry they would just get angry too and wouldnt hug you and say baby i'm sorry i love you and kiss your lips.
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
8:10 AM

stayed at home the whole of yesterday,
ok well not really.
went for facial, full body massage, scrub and body wrap. :D
and back home.
as for today it's clynston and my 1 month and it's his birthday as well.
hmmm, i kind of miss the past.
people are like keeping away from me just because i'm attached nw.
everyone was like dont one lah go bf liao go pei him lah and on the other hand lynette you change liao hardly meet us liao.
some were like u got bf liao don so close to me later he jealous, got bf den cannot be close to guy friends? what logic?
somehow i wish i'm back single again so i could spend more time with my precious once again.
i miss those days i go riding with yuan and gang.
i miss hanging out with sujata and the girls.
i miss going to sentosa with sweeboon and gang.
i miss going home with harold.
i miss having fun with sweeboon, shanhua, harold and etc.
i miss going shopping with puiman and caileng.
i miss singing k with noel and gang.
i miss the crazy days i have with kaijing.
i miss laughing with sheree.
i miss NIGHT outing with jay jay.
i miss pubbing, clubbing and drinking.
i miss joking with haoming.
i miss disiao-ing limbin.
i miss so many thing which i havent done for so long.
everyday, almost it's just me and him. like no life.
not that i don like to spend time with him, i like but i hardly spend time with my friends now that i am attached.
and one thing now that i am attached no one really contacted me.
it used to be 5-9 people per day or maybe more but now 1-3 only.
i miss the past. :(
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, August 16, 2010
8:45 PM

hmmm, well after clynston's lesson,
went O.P meet him.
went to his house and staYED THERE till it's about 6++
and went back to tampines, food palace.
and back home.
SATS SATS SATS, pet hotel, pasir ris farm way, white sands, clynston, t1.
and back home.
stayed at home, he came over.
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
8:33 AM

did nothing but sit at home and rot, clynston came over.
ramen at clake , chinatown for k box and back home.
clynston and my dayLD
189 wishes. thanks your guys.
SATS SATS SATS forgotten of locker keys,
bukit for clinic, qian hu for fish spa, CLYNSTON and back home.
went SATS. first time i'm all alone , class everyone afternoon shift except for me.
it's fun make new friends and manage to do a lot of work.
got beef blood all over my face and chef uni.
argue with clynston ended up abt to break.
BUT didn't.
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
8:13 AM

yesterday was the best day ever in my whole history! i swear.
hmm, let's fast forward to the best part.
went orchard with mum, dad, bro for dinner and a so call birthday gift from dad.
hmm, walk into the restaurant everyone was like shouting, welcome.
most of the people working there are japan :D
(one of them very handsome)
they dont have any menu so we have to choose our food from the table itself.
cool isn't it? when placing order the staff will shout out the order and all the cooks will shout back in japan.
saying ok.
when the food arrive, the staff wouldn't place the food on your table BUT the chef will use a huge wooden sppon to pass it to you.
soooooo coool.
the beef wow i tell you, it just melts in ur mouth.
as soft as ur butt, as smooth as bibi's fur.
spend about 600 there , worth a detour :D
and guess why am i so happy yesterday.
cause after years, i'm finally able to have a family DINNER.
as in mum, dad and bro no longer just dad bro and i or mum bro and i.
hmm, how i wish they could be together again but i guess it's totally impossible.
ok it's like which child doesnt want to see their parents get together again.
at least for once i'm able to have such a dinner with them.
and i will do all it takes to get this family back together again.
if dreaming is the only way den i wish i could live in it forever.
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, August 9, 2010
7:39 AM
first day working at charcoal , free label, for like 5 weeks.
(charcoal is the restaurant open by school, shatec)
meet adeline and sujata at cityhall and off we go for some FOOD.
went to a japanese restaurant for udon:D
and went charcoal after that..
hmmm, my first impression of charcoal is:
dirty, smelly, messy, wet, disgusting, didn't like the place suddenly miss production cause is way cleaner.
i miss stewart papa . miss our home, production.
and seriously HOST MEAL SUCK! worst den ever, dusbin food.
break time went pastamania for food since host meal so KNS.
went over to throw rubbish with joseph, harold.
hmmm, i am kind of happy to see joseph cause i miss him sooooo much you know!
went mac for supper while waiting for clynston.
joseph and harold was there to accompany me :D
clynston was shock that i point joseph middle finger LOL.
clynston send me home and yup.
meet sujata at cityhall,
went over to get my socks at bata cause i forget to bring mine.
had lunch with sujata and adeline at food court and off to charcoal.
boring! cooking vege was all i did.
host eat, leftover food -.- sian.
took a cab home, clynston studying at home, harold and i got a little arguement.
so yup. lonely~
harold and i argue because he shoot me, i shoot him back den later i diao him he angry and i ask him help me buy icecream cause we at mac eating supper but he ignore me and walk away so i thought he angry and i left.
but minutes later i found out he actually brought icecream for me but i already left.
so yup. a little misunderstanding.
sorry harold.
went back production :D
home sweet home.
chef stewart papa, so happy to see me.
he was like hi lynette you are back and start waving to me hahaha
i miss him :D
i cut my hand and he was like lynette are you ok. and even offer me a cup of fruits.
host meal chilli :(
went out with clynston nv go charcoal.
jane disappointed with me :(
so first went home with clynston, me bath first and off to his house to put his things down.
after that went dinner with his mum and fairprice for some shopping.
after that walk around at mall with him and saw MARCUS!!!!
i miss him!
and later he send me home.
the best day ever!
no more charcoal for 3 weeks,
cause i'm going to SATS.
(SATS is where they prepare the aeroplane food)
so went SATS for orentation.
hmm, the angmo chef damn handsome :D
went around SATS and OMG LAO AH MA hairnet, mask and wash hands before entering the kitchens.
3 storys high, bigger den sec sch, mostly kitchen.
since it's the first day of work at SATS, i did labeling :D
cutting, ,printing all the aeroplane stickers which you guys can find on all your meals.
talk to raymond for the whole labeling.
i got my locker, damn dirty -.-
all dirt and hair OMG, suffer!
after that home sweet home.
morning shift at SATS.
meet jane azmi and off to SATS.
did nothing but potato for the whole day.
i got my hands cut because i was trying to carry a very heavy insert and no one wants to help me.
80 percent are china so no one is like willing to help me when seeing me carry such a heavy thing.
and only one kind hearted china man is willing to help me.
people just see, stand there watch, hack care.
break time, recieve a call from limbin so went up with B class to find him.
but in the end just western kitchen need to go -.-
after that popeye with jane and went home.
jane woke up late, me lazy so went outram to meet clynston.
went bukit batok, he went for sch, i wait at voiddeck for him.
2++ hours later he came back, went to his house, he do his things and off to vivo.
went around, brought cake and off to toapayoh.
brought koii :D
went home.
sunday, yesterday.
meet jane went to SATS.
boring! totally nothing to do, walk around SATS for 3freaking hours doing nothing.
went makan with one of the seniors and after that run out of SATS to meet clynston.
walk around airport, see him eat his fish and co like so happy -.-
he see me oso not that happy one.
and after that walk around and off to grandma house for dinner.
steamboat :D
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, August 2, 2010
11:42 AM

waited for clynston to end school and change and after that he came over to my place to meet me.
off to cityhall to find some wine for mum's birthday present.
awhile later off to orchard for some food, wine and etc.
went to ramen play for some food.
it's his first time eating unagi, and he doesnt like it at all, he was force to eat actually.
smoke smoke smoke .
after all the walk and all back to tamp, slack under my block have a talk and off i go back home.
it's mum's birthday.
clynston came over, as usual he's shy, dunno real shy or act one.
ok well went airport for food, buffet at crown prince hotel along with mum, dad, idiot bro, and his friends and of cause with clynston.
after eating clynston and i went tamp for tekken.
after movies off to grandparents house for dinner along with clynston.
hmmm, kind of lost our way but we manage to find it :D
dad send us back to my house sit sit talk talk he went home.
ok well thats all.
today charcoal! so not looking forward.
5-27 aug going sats.
its the beginning og something new.