Sunday, October 31, 2010
5:21 PM

was at jay's house just now
after that went G.M house.
otw there, brought bubble tea as usual milk tea with pearl .
the aunty say no pearl jelly can and i was like ok :)
in the end KNS. milk tea and jelly not a good conbination.
i miss my koii.
reach G.M house ate wonton :D
and off to Thomson road for steamboat with jay, jes, ben, dict.
walking towards the location, jay say bryan stay near here and i was like oh ya.
that day was valentines day, i got a hand full of roses and bryan went over to pick me up and people disiao LOL.
miss those days with them.
nvm this christmas XD
ok well.
the table in front, china, behind also china.
and so i'm like super pissed cause freaking noisy!
they are shouting like nobody business.
so i started staring and one china girl also stare and all the staring begin.
wanted to order tiger beer but rejected :(
went walk walk for awhile and jay's dad send me home.
they laugh at the things i say :(
i say" chef cannot find good husband, all old old lao ti ko one , handsome one also gay. if not leh fat den stomach big big."
and they say wo bian fei le. :(
when i got home, reyrey send me a message.
"hey baby girl, i miss you as well"
i'm going to meet my precious darling tomorrow :D
lavender and bugis :D
its the beginning og something new.
8:32 AM
everyone left house super early,
and someone came over to my house super early as well and that's none other den eugene.
crazy ass, i'm still super sleepy.
he brought breakfast for me. :D
as usual watch anime.
he say i have a very boring life LOL but who cares.
he left after a while , and so i went back to sleep LOL.
went international seafood restaurant for dinner with D.D
ok well, can't keep my eyes off the guy at the next table and also the table behind me.
the table behind me wa lao, come here eat, still keep on kpkb say what this and tt will fat. what so ever.
see their size, weight 80 over la, so fat still scared fat.
some more see free calender, keep asking the service ppl if they could have somemore
and for the guy at the next table quite handsome lei.
did talk to them a little.
and was chatting with eugene at the same time as well and he say, LYNETTE you never change.
and for some reason he's kind of pissed of , sorry baby :(
(cause he say i very flirt, when i'm not i'm just friendly and it's them who talk to me first. it's rude not to reply right)
went home after that.
james suddenly phone me and ask me if im together with eugene-.-
just because we are close doesnt mean we are together,
just friends who can so call click well?
i'm not intending to commit into something so soon.
like really ya cause there's still a little thing i'm still unable to let go of.
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, October 29, 2010
4:01 PM
ok well.
i didn't sleep the whole night just because i'm afraid i wouldnt be able to wake up the next morning, to text him.
so i kind of miss school, and also miss my facial and body massage appointment.
so i'm like rotting at home the whole day,
sleeping and also watching my drama.
eugene came over to accompany me and keep saying that i'm mad.
cause i cried and keep cursing the com (drama)
ok well.
harold, donny, darren, gerwyn, wilson and bernard went genting today,
will be coming back on sunday.
so it will be 3 days, 72hours, 4320minutes, 259200seconds.
intend to go night safari tomorrow with besties.
but all tickets fully book, expect for sunday, when i got plans on sunday lah!
when i saw the things he wrote to her ,
it used to hurt a lot but now,
can't even be bothered.
when i couldnt see him for a day,
i will miss him like hell,
but now i dont.
has my feelings faded?
or was it that i know he wouldn't be mine again?
yuan lai wo mei you xin xing zhong de na me ai ta.
maybe because at that time the both of us just broke off with our parts and are very close friends, so things get a little complicated?
mistaking this friendship for that special feeling?
maybe that applys to him, but for me that period of time i really love you a lot.
i'm sad that you have to go, but touched that you still love her so much even when she did all those things to you.
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
8:55 PM
Just got home, tired.
Well morning , as usual went simei to meet Harold, his father drove me to school.
Meet yang , had burgerking.
Wilson came, went school.
Demo in solo one, today learn sushi and niku tofu.
So made all those lor with Jane azmi and shanhua.
Shanhua Keep on say me
Gerwyn keep disturb me with that love sick thing.
After school went Donny house
Den cab home with Donny, Jane and Harold
Went home chiong on my drama.
Awhile late Baby Eugene came
Wa I tell you.
Cried, the drama very touching.
N u know why touching?
Shi and chenmeng is actually couple,
Den later chenmeng and shi broke up,
Shi say give her one more chance,
Chenmeng say he nv like her from the start, he like qiaoqi, be with her nt cause he like her but just for the things she done for him.
Shi cried and change, went chenmeng house cook for him, clean his house etc, even when chenmeng chase her out and scold her with those hurtful words.
She do all this for him, he oso don wan her, she got dunno what cancer he oso don care.
Like wth lor. She do so many things really change for him, he don wan give her chance. Den qiaoqi so evil say wanna change oso nv change, he wan her.
So unfair right!
(like me oso)
I can be 100 times better den her. Tsk!
And Eugene was like crazy! Say I nv entertain himLol
After my drama and phone call from nat, went dance room practice:)
Abt one hour later went home,
Know y?
Nat meeting gf -.-
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
9:42 PM
got kind of pissed after seeing that drama of mine.
ok well zhenmeng and shi shi were like together.
shi shi did a lot of things for zhenmeng .
things which are like soooooo damn sweet.
bad points of her is like always find fault, always argue den ask for break.
shi shi is a very stubborn girl, someone very similar to me, i admit.
but guess what?
zhenmeng fallen in love with qiao qi!
like wtF right.
together den like another girl.
still dont wan admit, break already den tell shishi he like qiao qi.
like wtf like, this show look abit like mine right.
so like WTF la.
shi shi still like zhenmeng den he like qiaoqi, shishi wanna woo back zhenmeng, zhenmeng reject ask her to give up,
like same ah.
and the ending sucks!
zhenmeng end up with qiao qi?
what about shi shi HUH
shishi so nice to him, qiao qi treat him so bad he still wan.
like wTF la!
shishi rough, make up a lot, fatter so what, she wouldnt lose to qiao qi what.
why cant give shishi another chance?
will die ah.
sorry, ke siao liao.
(bringing my own ^% &^%#*& into this drama)
just ignore
its the beginning og something new.
7:09 PM
guess what im doing now?
i'm laughing my lungs out all because of my precious baby.
he's like barking when i try to take his toy away from him and guess what,
he hide his toy inside the cage.
ok well let's talk about today.
as usual harold's father brought me to school.
breakfast with ah yang and harold.
meet wilson, off to school for supervision.
it's a cold day.
harold didnt really pay much attention cause almost the whole lesson he's playing the pig game.
lunch time, canteen with jane, harold, azmi, shanhua, sean, junyang, wilson, bernard, kartono, gerwyn and i dunno how if i have miss out some?
sang a song and suddenly ask jane if she want me, love me etc.
and azmi was like ask shanhua and so i did i ask him , you love me ?
and he was like shy shy ignore me LOL
(ok well, dont really remember this part, STM)
ok walk back to school with jane, azmi, shanhua while the rest took a bus.
beverage lesson.
i swear freaking cold! plus 2 gays behind me.
joseph and gerwyn.
and somehow joseph got angry and left, went home first.
xiao qi bao.
bite harold's hand, forget what happened.
second time -.-
the previous one still blue black , so i guess bite quite hard?
ah yang put stick on my ba, i dunno den kartono told me and i was like scolding ah yang and suddenly harold and i got into a little so call argument?
harold start to ignore me,
dunno what to do
at that time my mind was blank , the only thing i could think of is
" OH MY GOD HOW HOW HOW, should i talk to him, or should i just leave him alone, what if i talk to him he feel irritated den hate me? den what if i nv talk to him , we will never talk to each other again"
and i m really very scared that he will hate me.
you know why?
cause i have already lost him as a x3, i dont wish to lose him again.
went home, got a news from eugene there's a hip hop competition , wonder if i should join or not.
well the reason why a girl wouldn't let a guy go after all they been through is because all the effort will be washed down the drain, every sour relationship is something the girl would want to treasure even more as in created a better memory? but guys just hate sour relationship, sick and tired den say bye bye i dont love you anymore. but have guys ever thought wwhy girls are so stubborn, why girls always push you to someone else even when they know you love them? CAUSE THEY LOVE TO BE PAMPER , THEY WANT YOU TO TELL HER THAT YOU LOVE HER AND ONLY HER, once is never enough.
now time for my love sick part, ignore!
especially GERWYN!
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
6:30 PM
yesterday told jane,
how i wish H and i could be like how we used to be, going out together, crap like we used to and etc but all this wouldnt happened anymore cause things have change but guess what?!
today was indeed something no one could expect.
the thing i so call wished, happened, but with a slight change ?
change as in last time we were so call couples but now as friends.
though time we had when we are so called together were little, memories did flash back.
especially those days when we went shangri-la, looking for his mum, eating with his mum and dad, and orchard for his mini wallets.
so now let me tell you about today.
lesson start late cause mentor is sick so went over to simei to meet harold at 10.30am.
after meeting him, found out that mentor went re-service so no lesson? or something like that.
so went queensway shopping centre with him to get his new specs.
thats the second time i went there with him.
as usual i cant stand the smell!
after collecting his spec, went makan and also to find his jacket for malaysia trip.
(go malaysia equal new spec, new bag, new jacket)
after that went orchard to look for his mum.
since she's working went round orchard looking for bag and food.
hmmm, he's really eating more and more.
happy people eat more ? or was it stress people eat more?
he brought me over to see the happy ending shop LOL.
(you will know what i meant by that if you are in my class)
after that went over to find his dad.
had dinner with them and his father drove me home.
ok well, i did enjoy myself.
i'm happy cause things look like the same as before,
for the like so call first time we didnt have slight argument or things which just make each other pissed,
and also he look happy today.
everything seems so peaceful when he's around.
he still mean a lot to me, like before.
how i wish, things..............,,.
ok nevermind.
stop dreaming, face the fact that he's gone
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, October 25, 2010
5:34 PM
harold's dad fch me to school as usual.
meet darren, wilson, ah yang for breakfast.
off to school change to cl 9
enza didn't come so another mentor taught us from 9-10 and we are able to go home .
went wstt mall with bernard, jane wilson and harold
watch paranormal activities 2.
sat beside harold, he keep on stare at the enpty sit beside me!!!!
make me scared -.-
idiot, as usual he fall asleep during the movie.
aer that went mos burger for lunch and headed back to tampines with harold.
harold went tm to meet his parents and as for me went for dye :D
sick of my dark brown hair!
so yup after that intended to meet darling but going malaysia tml so nv meet me :(
meet eugene, went for a dance :D
so long never dance liao.
eugene friend say i dont look like someone who knows how to dance hip hop.
i got learn one ok!
anyway tomorrow lesson start at 12 hehehehhe :D
shall sleep eartly today.
need to cure my dark ring :D
ok well, i still can't get over harold,
that's the fact.
but i manage to do something!
accept that he doesnt love me anymore.
hope his princess treat him well this time round.
that's all
signing off tata
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
9:36 PM
went east coast to meet J, JES, dict, ben and their family.
cycling turn out to be an hour race!
like ya really turn out to be a race, everyone chiong-ing to the finish line.
tiring but enjoyed.
at first twin bike with J but after that i took ben bike cause he want that twin bike.
i got lost! but manage to find them.
turn out to be second or third place :D
ok well, i brought bibi there as well.
a lot of people keep looking at him.
bringing bibi out is a good way to get girls number.
cause they will come over touch him and u get a change to talk to them?
ok ya i did talk to some ang mo who are like in their 30s ?
too old for me!
keep saying hi to stranger and ask them to enjoy their day, i know i'm mad.
just bored, singing madly while cycling OH YA i miss singing.
but who cares no one knows me so i can sing as loud as i want to.
i dont mind appearing in stomp.
i will be super famous LOL.
after all the fun went over to SMILE to take some picture and guess what i saw a dead rat.
soooooo disgusting.
rest in peace mr/ mrs rat.
went marine parade for dinner.
had wonton noodles, the same one which i had with jane and harold the other day at cine.
ok well spend 90 cent on tea.
quite cheap, not bad as well.
ben dad drove me home.
ok well.
guess who message me today ?
it's ah BIN :D
after soooooooooooooo long.
ok i'm going to bed now .
good night:D
will upload photos when im free gd bye
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
5:41 PM
Lunch with D.D at marina square.
Ate for 3 hours -.-
Drove me home after that he suddenly stop at 135 simei
And I was like emmmmmmmmmmmmmm
And he was like jam
And I was like soooooo qiao
And he was like huh
And I was like hahah fated nothing
And later he ask me so my precious girl u happy
And I was like many things happening for this few days but I'm still living :)
And he was like love
I was like ya
He was like younger den u
I was like ya
And he was like oh better nt
And I was like nvm I waitfor him to grow up
And he was like lol crazy
And I was like wei Shen mo Xiang ai de ren bu neng zai Yi qi
And I started laughing
And he say Xiang ai meh
And I say kidding :(
Back home.
Night dinner with mum
And I'm going Italy on the 17 dec :)
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, October 22, 2010
5:46 PM
Harold's dad Send me to school again
Saw yongshen at simei mrt and today is the last day I will see him there
He say I change
And he even say the guy I like, very lucky
School for demo, pastry
After that went for lunch with shanhua azmi Sean weiliang junyang gerwyn Darren Donny Harold kartono devid Jane Bernard Wilson
Joseph nv come school :(
Love sick!
Back for pastry.
And heehehehe give chef Stewart my pastry thingy but he don wan :(
Lawrance took :)
Went home with gerwyn ad Harold
Laugh madly in train cause keep disturb Harold
Ok well later ramen and xiao long bao for dinner.
Meeting precious darling boy later ( dunkenal, and Eugene)
Tomorrow meeting sweeboon for dinner and maybe a movie.
Sunday east coast park with jay ben dict jes :) and their family
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
5:30 PM
Harold"s father send me to sch as usual.
Saw yongshen at simei mrt :)
Reach bukit, breakfast with Harold and ah yang
Awhile later Wilson came
Went school.
Harold bully me den Wilson spray water at me :(
Spray until I'm all wet, Harold even hold me don let me move
Den I bite Harold, his hands go mark, haha but sorry.
Demo time, Harold gave me salmon :)
Shanhua keep on disturb me den keep on laugh like mad, kartono also.
Went library eat fish finger.
Den went for
Chef stewart like so happy to see me lol
Cook miso salmon, chawamushi and clam
Shanhua keep on disturb , saw nick :)
Went hilltop drink with ah yang Donny Harold Jane gerwyn Joseph Sean Bernard kartono Audrey Darren and idk who Liao.
Drink till
High -.-
Cab home with Harold Joseph
Harold alight first den me den joseph
its the beginning og something new.
8:37 AM
Just too much happened lately.
How I wish I was back to 18 September.
That night was the best night ever.
The moment I knew he liked me too and all the things we been through.
But I guess it's really over.
If I had the chance to mend my mistakes I would really trust you wouldn't leave.
There's just too much I wish to do with you.
But your no longer here.
I wish you would wan me back
I wish you would love me back
I wish we were never separated
I wish you were mine
I wish you would be my future husband
I wish you would be my soulmate
I wish I was your everything
I wish you never let me go
Cause you just mean so much to me.
You just mean the world to me
But I guess you already love your ex back and there nothing I could do to get u back.
I miss the day when u played drum for me
I miss the day when u played guitar for me
I miss you saying ilove you
I miss you saying baby I only want you
I miss your sweet talk
I miss the day when we went Clarke quake
I miss the day when we went shopping for hours for ur wallet
I miss the day when I ate ur mochi
I miss going out with you
I miss your hug
I miss your kiss
I miss holding you hand
I miss being with you
I miss you.
I miss everything we done.
But u r gone. Really gone.
How I wish I could tell u to stay and give me another chance to start over but I guess u wouldn't even bother to come back and just ask me to give up
I wouldn't give up cause I know u r all I wanted
If loving u was a mistake I never want to be right
A year, ten years, a lifetime or never will u return, I will
Wait cause I know u mean the world to me.
U told me she's just a memory u can't get over but y now things are happening this way?
How I wish I was her.
I wished u would love me
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
5:45 PM
Oi Lynette tan pei Lin.
No point giving up something which means a lot to u just because it seems like u have fail.
U give up, u will nv achieve it.
Keep holding on at least u know u try.
Jia you Jia you Jia you.
Lynette! If u give up, u will regret more so yup follow your heart.
Nothing is impossible impossible is nothing
its the beginning og something new.
4:42 PM
Morning went simei saw Yongshen,
Talk and talk and talk, enjoyed.
Harold"s dad came, went west mall meet yang had Mac for breakfast.
Before lesson saw chef Stewart,he say I today pretty :)
Ask me if I got bf and I say no and he say y and I say he don't wan me and chef was like nvm he come production I will let him do stewarding for a month lol
And Harold start cursing.
Started off with communication skills.
I asked a lot of question today.
Got one part abt how ppl look and I was like oh this one is flirting
And the mentor was like yes!
And everyone was like oh!!!!
Den Jane say I always do it right lol.
Den later talk abt being fat, I say I fat mentor say no den I say Harold say so and den Wilson was like oh no wonder now keep skip meals all because of Harold.
Break time canteen!
Drink soya milk.
Talk to Clynston and weixiang.
After that library do project and later presentation.
Group with Harold, Donny, Joseph Wilson and Darren.
Go downstairs print project thing a guy wan my number but nv give
Donny ask me y and I say cause I got someone in mind le
Home with Harold and Joseph
its the beginning og something new.
5:57 AM
Yesterday night chat with weixiang, Clynston
Soooooo long nv disiao Clynston Liao hahahahaha.
Big head monster.
After the chat with them, precious Jeffery called.
Oh miss him!
Became insane!
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
8:06 PM
Harold"s dad came over to pick me up.
Went burger king with ah yang and Harold for breakfast.
Suddenly remembered abt the first time he and I went over to burgerking for dinner.
Ok well I know, I shouldn't be thinking of it anymore.
Weixiang found out just how bitchy I am but guess I'm just unable to do it.
Sch for communication skills.
After that lunch at hilltop and off to library for project!
Off to com lab for it lesson .
So call project time.
Lavender with Wilson Harold Bernard gerwyn and Darren
Book bus to genting and went tm to get things.
Puiman saw me suddenly pull down my shirt from
Behind, scary thought who
Horse saw me , I nv saw him :(
Xm house for drinking
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, October 18, 2010
9:39 PM

i didn't realize i ask him 5 times y am i an idiot
i am going crazy just ignore me.
today was the best day ever!
problem solve, case close.
best friend forever and ever and ever.
i finally got the answer.
no point being sad over it, i'm still as happy as always.
harold's father drove me to sch.
went over to hilltop to meet ah yang.
first lesson communication, after that supervision.
saw hong jie hehehe.
went west mall for a movie with harold my best best friend, jane, kartono, wilson, bernard, joseph.
after that kfc to meet the rest and back to school.
had beverage. train home with harold, joseph, cheese and devid.
went over to meet my zhengyuan laogong and kaicheng.
CJ for dinner and off to get yuan's cig.
slack slack went toy r us to play, crazy!
laugh like mad.
they send me home.
down stair slack for a while.
had fun.
love them lots lots.
zhengyuan laogong say i stupid always kena play by guys.
but who cares.
nothing last forever.
true love doesnt exist.
words are just words.
single the best.
and you wanna know y he say i kena play?
1bf: kind of hongster
2bf: hongster
3bf: Mobile lover (sms nia, see each other just hi)
4bf: he just wants status
5bf: im a replacement
6bf: ppl phy-ko
7bf: made him no.5 replacement
8bf: comunication breakdown
so yup my love life sucks!
but thanks to all this , i'm a stronger person now.
whatever, maybe ould become lesbian.
heeh just kidding
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
4:12 PM
Bored to death.
Ng Jun wei drove me around Singapore to kill time.
No life!
Someone save me!
its the beginning og something new.
8:46 AM
last night went out with jeffery , james , sam , alvin , vick , ming, zack, desmond, ah soon, chris, marc and kang.
went over to novena for a drink and yup, kind of high.
played dare and gotten crazy.
drank two full glass of martel pure, few glass of tiger. CMI.
suddenly out of the blue, joel came and guess what!
he's holding a bunch of sunflowers and a box of royce chocolate.
and suddenly he pass it to me and guess what i say which make alvin laugh like mad.
i told alvin hey kor i think i'm drunk already i'm seeing things. EH scary leh! this place must be dirty.
den he started laughing like mad but it's actually real.
and so i took it both and start giving everyone the chocolate and joel started scolding?
and ask me if there's a chance and jeffery, james, sam, zack, vick, desmond started kpkb.
and ming join in as well, and everyone went slience after ming say if want to give chance oso not u guys.
stand up, kang send me home throw the flowers away and the remaining chocolate as well
and when we reach the door, kang shouted enough of all your nonsense.
(at the point of time, kang quite cool leh LOL)
he drove me home and yup sleep like a pig.
talk nonsense again -.-
piggyback me upstair and bye bye
reach home at about 3 plus.
ytd was scary but fun.
ok well as for today,
going serangoon :D
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
6:12 PM

D.D brought me out for lunch.
drove over to tampines mall and i told him , let's go somewhere else.
drove over to east point told him to go airport instead.
on the way there he suddenly ask why is my precious girl so moody today,
and my reply was i guess im still sleepy.
reach airport waraku de pasta for lunch,
all i had was just ice cream.
totally no appetite but since he insisted on me to get something, brought ice cream.
after eating i told him i'm tired and wish to go home,
and he say wait before that let's go to a place.
and so he drove me over to changi to see houses.
this place really remind me of a lot of things.
things which i really wish i couldnt remember.
it's also the place where he last say he love me, nice is on the 13 of october.
but i guess sweet things just have to end this way.
went home straight after the ride.
J came over.
teach my brother maths, played with bibi intended to watch eat pray love with J but too bad got plans so didn't.
i tried, i really am trying to bring him back.
it's not easy.
but like i told buddy, if the fear really came true, all i want was just to see him happy.
it doesnt matter if i m or not.
but i guess his feels has already faded and there's nothing i could do.
let's pray.
its the beginning og something new.
2:55 PM

its the beginning og something new.
8:10 AM

left the house super early,
in the end meet harold and ahn yang at west mall for breakfast and ask sujaat to go subway meet me.
wilson came.
wait for joseph.
FINALLY brought my beancurb, but sad to say too sweet :(
started off with demo.
WA LAO shan hua sit beside me very noisy!
keep talking to himself and talk nonsense LOL.
went lunch at canteen with shanhua azmi weiliang kartono gerwyn jane harold joseph wilson bernard devid.
next lesson was pastry lesson.
went pastry room and started making tarts.
after lesson went over to hilltop for some drinks donny order tiger and so drank some.
cab home with gerwyn joseph and harold.
change and everything and went off to tampines mall to meet my ah sot, horse, stan, vilip and one more guy.
horse sad i forget to bring the fruit tart which i made for him and keep making noise about it lol.
pasiamania for dinner and off for movie.
saw samson he say bo jio him go see movie, den we shoot back he bo jio we go walk walk. lol
watched the child's eye.
OMG first part damn scary and horse was like keep on disturb me la!
cover my ears from the start and den in the end nv cause the end part very sad ?
come to think of it not that scary ba cause it's sad at the back and i'm still able to sleep alone last night with no lights :D
after the movie stan and the guy who i dunno left.
horse and vilip and ah sot and i went 802 for supper.
hmmmm, ran from 900+ to 800+ LOL.
crazy but fun!
at 802 laugh till my lungs almost drop lol.
all thanks to horse!
horse call ah sot, vege ghost.
call me water ghost cause i keep drinking water LOL.
order hao jian but change to prawn but in the end ate 4-5 mouth dont wan liao cause standard drop.
vilip and ah sot went home, horse and i walk home.
didnt drink any liquor see i'm a gd girl. LOL
somehow it's great hanging out with them once again, they are the one who really accept me for who i am and be there for me.
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, October 15, 2010
5:54 AM
Brand new day.
Lynette tan pei Lin, Jia you Jia you Jia you.
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
9:29 PM
If loving u was the biggest mistake that I have done,
I'm willing to do it over and over again.
Cause it's the mistake I would never want to lose
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
9:42 PM
Today isn't my day, so let's not talk about it.
I wish everything will be over soon.
People will only cherish something when it's gone.
Nothing else to say so gd bye hope to die
its the beginning og something new.
Monday, October 11, 2010
9:03 PM
Simei to meet Harold.
His father send me to sch as usual.
Started off with supervision and communication.
After that was speech, nervous!
Went canteen makan with Jane, Harold Joseph Wilson Bernard kartono azmi gerwyn shanhua Darren junyang devid.
Went back to sch for IT lesson.
Kns boring !
After sch imm for dinner with Joseph and Harold.
Went around imm, look at shoes, rings and backbone thingy.
Trained home.
Ah wei wei kor say love needs patient if there's no patients that not love at all.
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
8:23 PM
woke up intending to watch my anime, too bad NO ANIME HAVE BEEN UPLOADED.
went back to sleep.
woke up have lunch.
bro gave papa a $12 poster thingy for his birthday and i got him a $120 polo.
and i told mum, dad will treasure mine more and she say i hao lian.
went back to sleep, off for my hot bed thingy.
hot bed = make you slimmer!
one word BTH!
so hot! asthma attack! cant breath.
wasted 30 minutes of my life, trying to be thinner.
but fail i guess.
told mum i got slimmer and she ask me not to lie to myself.
went for sushi high tea buffet.
food kns!
went home.
do speech.
miss harold.
talk cock, sing song, play mahjong.
just ignore me!
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
11:28 PM
Went Harold"s house, intending to pei him play xbox.
But in the end never. Ahahaha
Help him cook dinner for his family, ok maybe nt cook just see, beat eggs and turn chicken wing.
After that dinner with white wine, watch animal planet and off to tamp for prata.
Harold"s sis drove us there and his sis say I look like sec 2
Ahahahahahaha :)
She drove me home, Harold send me upstairs.
And that's the end of today.
Tomorrow, project time!
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, October 8, 2010
9:57 PM
Today went to sch for Japanese demo.
After that mos burger with kartono Wilson Jane Harold Joseph Bernard Shawn gerwyn ( sorry if I miss out some)
Cityhall with Joseph and Harold.
Kbox, pool saw Jeffery worst den water ;)
He say I slimmer :)
Saw kaicheng as well.
Went food court makan , worst udon ever!
Totally spoil my x3 for udon
Joseph left after awhile went shopping with Harold
Got my topshop shoe and lacoste
After awhile home
Battery low
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
9:35 PM
Went to school as usual,
Harold"s dad drove me to school.
Jane was late for sch, ended up going for the last lesson only.
Started off with communication, and so on.
Went break with Harold, Shawn, gerwyn, junyang, Darren, Donny, wei liang, Joseph, Bernard, kartono and I don't know who if I miss out some.
Jane arrive a few minutes later.
Back to sch for beverage lesson.
Mr Jason ow yang, pass around wine etc for us to try.
Drink a bit face got red, everyone was like Lynette drunk!
When I'm not.
Harold ask me not to talk to him for 4 times today.
After lesson went west mall for movie with
Harold, gerwyn, Bernard, Joseph, kartono, weiliang, Shawn, donny and 1 other ppl , can't remember.
Watch zack efon show!
Omg, touch, cried, nice!
Harold sleep!
Everyone went home but Joseph, Harold n I went suntec
Intend to get my shoe but in the end didn't, forget.
Mof for dinner,
Went home
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
9:56 PM
Harold"s father drove me to school.
Lesson started off with communication skills, miss ezan.
quite a nice mentor:)
Next lesson was principle of supervision by miss ezan as well and followed by host communication by miss sueann oliverio.
Guys gone crazy over her.
She told us abt her love life and she's currently single.
Went off to shangri-la for pay.
Chit chat with chef dennis, he say Harold and I couple
After getting pay, went for movie with Harold, Jane, azmi and weiliang.
The Chinese kungfu show, something like ip man one.
So violent .
Lol, better den ip man.
At least it wouldn't make me sleep.
Everyone left, Harold and I went shopping around orchard to find a suitable wallet for him.
Went gucci, lv, Burberry, bla bla bla still cannot find.
Send Harold home first cause his stomach pain wanna shit:)
See how sweet am I:)
Left my hp with him so I'm like living a night without a phone
So wierd, pissed mum off, cause keep irritated her with 5.30am alarm.
As for today,
Call Harold when I leaving the house,
Wait for him at simei mrt, his dad droe us to sch.
Finally my phone is back, hell is over.
Went coffee shop see Harold eat, smoking corner see him smoke.
Went up class, a while later start lesson.
First was supervision followed by communication skill and after that beverage lesson.
Taught by mr Jason ow yang.
He's wierd, funny, reminds me of c?
Anw went marina square with Jane, Harold, gerwyn, Bernard, kartono, shanhua, Wilson for k box.
Share beer with Harold and Wilson.
Face turn red as usual.
The rest went home, me and Harold went long John for food after thy shop for clothes etc.
I'm so in love with a topman shoe but last piece:(
Send Harold home again cause stomach pain again.
Da bian hahahahaha
Enjoying Royce right now :)
I am so in love with Harold kng. Lol.
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
8:27 PM
Went Harold house,
After that grandma house .
Went dinner at 200+.
food horrible -.-
Went back grandma house and den back home.
Finally, after such a long time , things settled
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, October 1, 2010
8:47 PM

waited for cab for like more den 30 minutes.
so harold drove darren's car over to pick me up along with kartono.
ONE WORD SCARY! a 17 YEAR old driving a car, know what i mean?
ok well, reach harold house, all 3 of us wet!
rain like hell!
ah yang and darren was there one sleeping one play game.
later they all play x box.
went downstair with harold and kartono to buy toto.
and back to harold house.
went up rest for a while i cried and off to pasir ris for petrol and den to chalet.
reach there adeline, sujata, gerwyn, shanhua, wilson, jane, shawn was there.
harold drove me to petrol station again den went to pick leng up.
after that went back chalet after awhile went over to get beer and off to pick dionna up.
harold drove again.
celebrated bernard brithday.
sweeboon, bernard, raj etc came.
super crazy.
kartono drink till super high den harold and i keep disiao damn funny.
corn suddenly got hair one LOL
i give him water, he sudden;y tell me he love me and say but im harold one =.=
play dare with dionna, leng and harold.
harold do push up over me with a kiss every 1 time down
so paiseh!
laugh like mad.
i even go after raj asking him if i can pull out his leg hair or not
everyone slowly went to bed.
caileng, dionna, harold, alex, me fighting for blanket.
7++ woke up(which is today), harold house sleep wait for jane to come.
jane arrived, sleep till 1+ wake up.
go my house bath etc go shangri-la meet azmi along with jane and harold.
waited for like so long, in the end cannot take pay cause counter no money!
like wth,.
went off with harold to his mum workplace.
dinner with his mum, him and his dad at chinatown back home.
went makan with daddy at airport again.
super full but still need to go eat with dad.
anw had fun!
i wish all this never end
its the beginning og something new.