Sunday, January 30, 2011
2:21 PM
28 jan 2011
shopping with limin and J
29 jan 2011
after that went PH to meet kianhok cyril and their friends.
went caileng's cousin table and clemence table for a drink.
saw a lot of people, such as mariann, dio, meiyan, tes, kieth, etc.
cyril talk a lot of nonsense, i swear LOL
got a slight argument with puiman ..
met some new friends.
went tampines for breakfast with cyril peiwei puiman and caileng.
went leng house awhile, go home.
later going nex with puiman, steamboat maybe cyril joining us as well :D
its the beginning og something new.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
10:54 AM
21 jan 2011
went over to meet cyril, peiwei, james, tommie..
went bugis loop, CQ, far east..
help cyril choose perfume.
didn't eat the whole day..
tommie drive me home, cyril send me to my door step.
22 jan 2011
chef give me eat foie gras :D
23 jan 2011
24 jan 2011
chef and chef fight... all the abcdefg come out -.-
ate buffet food..
25 jan 2011
work, photoshoot..
both chef nv come..
play pool with fake bf "chef an"..
26 jan 2011
work again..
go home alone..
cause everyone work morning shift.
D.D pick me up, he change car..
27 jan 2011
work again..
tml off :D
out with x3
(sorry no time to blog, too busy with work)
shall blog abt this coming sat :D
its the beginning og something new.
Friday, January 21, 2011
9:25 AM

17 jan 2011
makan tempanyaki with dio and leng.
went leng house.
her sis brought us go shopping for dog food.
after that back to her house for food.
bryan came.
dio and bryan go dating, leng and me go find pm.
after that M send me home
17 jan 2011
work at 1 ends at 11.
do spring cleaning :D
happiest day of my life.
all because of <3
18 jan 2011
work at 1 ends at 11.
spring cleaning again.
change all the logo and wraps.
went PH.
meet caileng, puiman.
kelly brought us up.
as usual clemence took care of me again.
saw harry. sheree :D
19 jan 2011
work 1 to 11 again.
vomited 5 times -.-
one in bus, 4 in rasa toilet.
fake bf cook lemon honey for me.
maroccan chef keep on disturb.
after work went mac makan with donny.
D.D send me home.
20 jan 2011
maybe going over to find <3
its the beginning og something new.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
8:59 AM
12 jan 2011
went to work, started off late.
went to marocco kitchen to help marocco chef.
all my friends left, i work late shift alone.
was boring i guess.
intend to bath in hotel BUT toilet renovation.
so went swimming pool to bath.
no door -.- scary!!! at night somemore.
the whole toilet to myself.
sit on the table to make up :D
went vivo to meet bear.
in the end clemence came over to pick me up ,
went mac to meet bear , junhong and one fat guy.
went ph to meet puiman, caileng, kelly, dionna, alvin and etc.
i took away puiman first kiss.
puiman got drunk, i got drunk.
bear look after her, clemence look after me .
was like OMG.
keep on hug clemence and copy what he do.
and i keep on say i wan see cyril, call cyril. den clemence keep saying clemence better. LOL.
awhile later everyone went back to tamp but caileng and me carry on dancing.
went to join another group of friends.
this time round junjie look after me, soon later caileng got drunk.
after ph went 700+ to makan.
dunno who drive.
can't remember.
caileng smoke ! like omg ! drunken can do anything !
makan liao go caileng house sleep.
13 jan 2011
morning wake up , go home, sleep again.
meet puiman go see doctor.
went 802 makan meet bear . wilson, clemence and larry.
caileng came over.
went tm.
14 jan 2011
went to work,
enter kitchen empty .
i was like OMG!!!! Y NO PPL ALL OFF ?
help indian kitchen, all keep on disturb me !
say what i m their gf, i dont like indian :(
fake bf dont wan me liao. he nv really find me talk to me.
after that, went donny house, went bugis shisha.
and send donny off to the airport and back home.
15 jan 2011
went to steven's bro wedding at calton.
went tm to meet caileng after wedding.
intending to watch movie but she go ph instead.
so pei her go home take shoe etc.
den send her off.
went back tm to meet jerdi.
watch movie.
went back home.
16 jan 2011
as for today,
shall spend my day with D.D
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
8:30 PM
5 jan 2011
went merdandy with donny and jane.
shisha drink go home.
6 jan 2011
stay at home the whole day.
7 jan 2011
off to work,
crazy day with my fake boyfriend ( my chef in charge who keep calling me his gf)
he keep on say alot of chef love my eyes.
went cold kitchen help that indian man with cutting of fruits.
i carry lots of watermelon -.-
the indian man quite handsome.
he is a fatherly man who knows how to speak chinese, malay, hokkien and his language.
back home after that.
but before going home went starbucks slack
8 jan 2011
work at noodle stall, they love my service :D
got a lot angmo!
forget what i done after that.
9 jan 2011
work with another chef,
my fake bf nv come.
so yup after that went merdandy with jane donny.
meet raissa, her friend and one angmo boy.
i hug that angmo guy, kiss jane and donny.
cyril came , i got drunk and i was like lying down on the floor when he arrived,.
so i guess impression gone.
(so now what i guess was right , maybe, he's gonna avoid me )
i like cyril .
i admit.
but at least im who i m i m not faking but who cares.
like someone doesnt mean you have to be with him.
he's happy, that will be all.
i took a cab home alone!
10 jan 2011
wen nex with puiman
11 jan 2011
went to work, today work with fake bf's cousin.
he damn talkative.
i swear! BTH.
go home straight.
tml onwards doing marocco cuisine.
hell starts, cause the chef in charge of it is the one and only fierce chef!
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
2:40 PM
1 JAN 2011.
went ben house to celebrate dict's birthday.
watch them play poker and back home.
love his grandma's curry chicken not spicy one:D
2 JAN 2011.
went caileng house,
her sister brought a new dog.
brought bibi over.
hmmm, bibi GAY!!!
after that went grandma house for dinner.
went back home.
3 JAN 2011.
went to RASA sentosa for an orientation.
there's wii, computer, pool table, tv, rooms for us to sleep and play in :D
canteen look like restaurant :D
after orentation went cine to meet caileng.
after that wisma to meet cyril and james.
waraku, walk around.
brought royce went home
4 JAN 2011
first day of work.
fun, tired, bored.
chef keep on disiao me !
say i look like malay.
tell other chefs that i m a malay when he know i m a chinese.
he even say if he is my bf he will beat me cause i so black LOL.
say heng i no bf, cause no one to beat.
he lie to me say he is 20 but he is 31
donny tell the korean guy i'm interested in him -.-
say what i m 25 years old
cause the korean man 31
i'm not interested in korean -.-
but seriously he look like 23~
cityhall mac, slack with jane and donny.
cab home.
its the beginning og something new.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
8:12 AM

woke up late, went over to meet kartono, jane, sujata, wilson, darren, gerwyn.
head over to long john for breakfast and off to sentosa for TANNING!
ok well enjoyed, was so called chase out of sentosa by the guard.
went banquet for food and off back home to change.
went 802 to meet caileng.
head over to orchard.
ate pontian, H.D and went over to meet cyril.
went makan with peiwei, james, tommy, cyril, GAY, caileng.
peiwei drove us over to CQ.
we had count down in the car hahahaha. got fireworks somemore.
went VIP room, kian hok came over.
went down to dance with peiwei and kian hok and ken.
etc etc etc.
cyril, ken, caileng drunk like mad cow.
ken drove peiwei car till lang-ga.
from CQ drive to clementi.
theat 3 people who r drunk spend 1 hour vomitting at clementi.
peiwei, me, james, GAY.
cyril even jump onto people car and treat caileng like his pillow.-.-
in the end james drive me home.
reach my house call mama come down send caileng home.
she is damn drunk -.-
its the beginning og something new.