Sunday, March 20, 2011
11:51 AM

sorry for not blogging for so long have been working like hell for the past few weeks. so yup i'm back :D
9 march 2011
went over to vivo to meet harold for dinner,the food there sucks to the max. horrible! after that off to bistro for my lychee martini :D off to zirca with jane, donny, devid and some indonesia friends.
10 march 2011
11 march 2011
12 march 2011
13 march 2011
work. my chef went crazy ask me to pray to the salt god -.-
14 march 2011
15 march 2011
16 march 2011
went over to CQ to meet caileng, went rebel. saw joel :D went yello jello for a drink with alvin and his friends and off to look for harold, devid and donny. caileng was drunk, keep repeating herself like a mad bitch. LOL. was with kaiden and joel on the dance floor as caileng went over to look for harold.
17 march 2011
18 march 2011
work after work intended to go PH but didn't as i'm tired. and caileng ask me to go out with patrick and his friends to BQ but didn't went. luckily i didn't if not i will be soaking wet LOL.
19 march 2011
went over to rebel, saw joel again clubber! so many people nv go clubbing (jack and co., alvin and co. , AP and co. and yuzhi and co.) went ph instead since rebel is so freaking bored. went drangonfly and PH, was bored too -.- so went over to toxic bar but no table so back to PH. it's like a total was of time! waited for an hour for re-entry -.- totally no mood to do anything. gabriel brought drinks and tried dancing but i'm the only one doing that-.- and patrick almost got into a fight. fierce but MAN LOL! saw roger and he keep telling me that his friend is drunk lol! went mac cause it's super bored and back home.
its the beginning og something new.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
11:58 AM
there's just so many things happening right now as in for past few weeks and so,and it's going to explode any moment now. the craziest thing happened, things which you could never expect came true. drama are real in some parts, i guess. i really wish i could be a kid again so i wouldn't have to worry so much and to think of those things that really could make you cry.
6 march 2011
D.D drove me to work. during work george keep looking for me. don't know for what. after work D.D send me to A.M house for dinner and back home, went over to lao ba sat to meet chef ben jane donny harold and devid. oh well, ate alot. devid brought chivas to lao ba sat and like so damn HIGH CLASS, if you know what i mean. harold send me home as usual like last time he always play with the lift, don't let me go home. kind of reminds me of wk too i guess.
7 march 2011
woke up, wen t over to tampines mall to get my lenses and off to cine to meet gabriel and caileng. after that went over to taka to meet devid and off to heren to find jane harold and kartono.
walk around intending to get tickets for "my ex" but all sold out. so intended to go over to the hotel which wilson was working at to find him. once met went over to cine again to sing :D i drank about 7 cups of beer. off to kopitiam for dinner/supper. and of cause harold send me home.
8 march 2011
i'm going to be a good girl, stay at home and no drinking session for me as well, for today. see no point in drinking and get get myself drunk to forget everything like seriously so dumb. no matter how much i have been through, i have to be strong. i seriously miss clubbing it has been 2 weeks since i went and seriously i miss cyril. haven't contacted him for like 2 weeks and i really wish i could. i just don't know what to talk about, and so afraid that i might disturb him. hoping that maybe he would message me sooner or later but i guess not. like what my friends always say he's a guy you met in club, what makes you think he would be serious about you. but it doesnt really matters to me now, cause i really like him alot. he maybe not that gd looking, not that much of a mr nice guy but i just like him i feel comfortable when i'm with him somehow. i don't need him to be my guy, just wants him to be happy with his life.
its the beginning og something new.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
6:49 PM

28 feb 2011
went to work.
help chef ben cook lamb sauce.
after work wait for donny,
went over to flyer to meet chef ben.
nice place to slack, seriously.
can smoke, can date can do what ever you wan and FYI service guys are cute. LOL.
slack slack till 11 went over to blue jazz to meet the rest.
harold, jane, ang was there. drink a bit and azmi came.
sing, dance, slack went home.
harold send me home.
1 march 2011
stayed at home the whole day.
super tired.
know why ? caue on the 27 feb i work night shift, on the 28 work morning shift and i didn't go home straight i went for some drinks instead -.-
so it's like 2 hours of sleep nia.
2 march 2011
went facial and slimming session.
went for dye.
tm to get something from puiman.
NYDS for food and sasa for some cosmetic.
back home.
its the beginning og something new.